ASUCI Candidates

Declared Candidates will show in random order below by office. If they are part of a slate, the name of the slate will show up underneath their email address.

ASUCI President

Ethan Martinez
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

A home is not just a building of bricks and mortar. Nor is it a storage unit for your furniture, clothes, technology, and countless other material items you might have. A home is not just a place where you exist to do your laundry, complete your homework, or cook a quick snack. A home is not that dorm or apartment you go to after your classes.

Rather, a home is where you study with your friends for late-night study sessions—embracing the triumphs and tribulations of midterms, assignments, clubs, and other involvements. Homes are those shared spaces where laughter echoes throughout their walls, and heart-to-heart conversations take place to forge lifelong relationships. Home is that space where you experiment with whatever you and your friends can find in the fridge to cook makeshift dinners because no one wants to spend money on eating out. 

Home is a sanctuary of belonging and community—a place where you can seek solace and tranquility despite the shared struggles of student life. It is a place where you can learn lifelong lessons from those around you and find opportunities to achieve your dreams. A home is a place where you feel safe, comforted, heard, and respected.

I want to make UCI a home. It’s not just a conglomeration of buildings. It’s not just a network of professors and students, nor is it just a place to get your degree. Our school is our built-in home as Anteaters, and it should reflect everything a home stands for if we want to succeed. Yet, for many, our campus doesn’t always feel like our home—and that’s the very thing I want to change.

Hi Anteaters! My name is Ethan Martinez, and I am a third-year Biomedical Engineering major at UC Irvine. I am pleased and honored to announce that I am running to serve as your next ASUCI President!

Like many of you, I did not grow up in a perfect home. I began my journey here at UCI as a low-income, first-generation student almost three years ago. As a student attempting to build my life, the foundation of my career, and a sense of community, I settled into the reality that UCI is my new home! Looking back to before I came to UCI, I wanted to identify how I can make UCI not only feel like but BE my new home. A place where I am successful, safe, and heard. A place that I am able to trust, learn from, and grow in. A place where I have opportunity, resources, and comfort. When I picture an ideal UCI, I imagine a place where ALL Anteaters share the quality of being safe, heard, and respected. A home that permits growth and well-being! As a student leader striving to make this a reality for myself, I wanted to make this a reality for ALL Anteaters. This is why I joined ASUCI: to help make UC Irvine our home.

My journey at UCI has been inextricably linked to my deep ASUCI involvement. As a first year in Fall 2021, I joined the Office of the President as a Student Experience Intern, where I addressed social discrepancy among students that the pandemic severely mitigated. Seeing the impact that we made spurred me to become the Student Experience Commissioner during my second year at UCI.

In this role, I identified issues surrounding the theme of student experience and created events that allowed students to interact with one another! Currently, I am serving as a Chief of Staff in the Office of the President, where I oversee not only the Student Experience Commission but also ten other commissions in our sector of ASUCI. Apart from my involvement in the Office of the President, I joined Visions Leadership as a mentee to be challenged and grow while engaging in professional development, leadership, and advocacy at UCI. Having had such a memorable experience, I returned to Visions Leadership as a mentor and guided a new generation of mentees to pursue leadership through student advocacy efforts on campus. 

Now, in my third year as an undergraduate student and member of ASUCI, I am thrilled to have continued my work with Visions Leadership as one of its Directors. Serving in both the Offices of the President and the Internal Vice President, I have been able to enhance advocacy efforts by increasing collaboration within the two offices for sustainably smooth initiatives from Visions to commissions in the President’s office. Namely, Visions Leadership has resulted in the Color UCI and Anteater’s Farm projects, which I successfully rehoused under the Art Lab Commission and the Food Security Commission, respectively. Color UCI is a project focused on mental health, made to equip students with resources to navigate campus through a creative outlet for destressing. Anteater’s Farm emphasizes the student experience with food security and remains a popular event that brings necessary food resources back to students equitably. Furthermore, essential efforts of Visions Leadership that I have been able to oversee include sexual assault awareness with the CARE office and multicultural and racial equity through a proposed project, Flight Night.

Beyond my involvement in ASUCI, I contributed to the student body by serving as a staffer for the Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP) during my second year in 2023. As a staffer, I have interacted with thousands of incoming Anteaters and learned their stories, dreams, aspirations, and goals. SPOP also gave me the platform to observe and directly hear from my peers about their needs and wants and how they are navigating their student experiences as a function of the various identities everyone holds. It has been very important to me, especially in this role, to create a sense of community for students—a home at UCI. I want to bring this perspective into the position of the President and also consider what a home can look like for Anteaters at UCI. 

As ASUCI President, I will always make students my first priority, and their representation will be at the forefront of my work. Striving for student leadership and engagement guides my motivation to become President to improve communication and accessibility throughout campus and allow for the best representation possible. With my previous years of experience within the various offices of ASUCI, I believe that conversation around changes needs to be initiated as a part of meaningful efforts to support my peers while furthering my passion for equity for all. I will advocate for students to the best of my ability by sharing student voices to make an impact on the student and systemic levels. I will actively interact with my peers to hear their concerns and expectations for their representation to better address their needs. I will be the students’ voices when working with higher administration to ensure a supportive campus climate for all students at UC Irvine. To summarize my main goals:

Advocate for All – The Office of the President is versatile, and as the President, I will be a direct liaison between the undergraduate student body and administration. I will also lead advocacy efforts in administrative spaces across campus in a transparent and student-centered perspective to build a resilient student body and help students achieve their goals. This also means having important conversations on representation for a better learning environment with the administration. As students at UCI, we often hear about people or groups that advocate for representation, but how often is this genuinely or effectively executed? In my advocacy efforts, the vision that I have for myself is to not only be an open resource for UCI affiliates to consult with but also host monthly Town Halls surrounding various themes of basic needs, student equity, accessibility, inclusivity, and social tension. In the process, I will invite various UCI affiliates to these Town Halls in order to provide a place where issues and problems can be shared and a space where solutions and resolutions can be proposed! I will then take these proposals and delegate them to respective and passionate teams within ASUCI who desire to carry out these specific advocacy efforts to effectively make a change in our home.

Accessibility to Basic Needs and Resources – Basic needs security is essential for students to thrive, and this will be the primary focus of my advocacy. I firmly believe that accessibility to resources like food, housing, and financial wellness is critical for every student’s success. Not being able to utilize them has many consequences on a student’s experience and academic excellence, especially for those from underrepresented backgrounds. I will work passionately to better establish student wellness and security regarding their basic needs. My vision is to gain student input via anonymous submission forms to confidentially identify where improvements need to be made. I firmly believe there should be no students working towards their degree who cannot make ends meet. I want to ensure that the university’s resources are directly provided to these students through the Food Security, Housing Security and Financial Wellness Commissions, to name a few.

Unity Within ASUCI – As President, I will create a stronger sense of unity internally within the different branches of ASUCI to better collaborate with other student groups and organizations on campus to support students. Too often, poor communication within the various offices of ASUCI leads to an unintentional lack of representation and support for students. By uniting ASUCI, the student government’s ability to hear and work for the students will dramatically improve, and we will be able to work together with other departments and registered campus organizations much more effectively.

Outreach and Rapport – Students should feel comfortable in being able to approach the ASUCI President and their office to share their problems and needs. Engaging the Office Outreach team is vital when building those necessary connections with students by ensuring that they are taking steps to email, discuss, and visit every corner of campus. No student should fall through the cracks. Additionally, I will implement the proposed idea of a Town Hall in a recurring manner to have a space for students to speak about their needs and wants from the student government going forward. I will also provide updates on what ASUCI is working on to serve students. By incorporating the Campus Climate Commission, I will creatively take on the responsibility of addressing the contemporary issues of college students that directly impact student success at UC Irvine.

Once again, I am honored to be running for your next ASUCI President and to be your voice in initiating conversations of change. I will represent students and guide my peers to provide the space for student advocacy regarding access and resources within student government and the campus as a whole. I appreciate you taking the time to read my statement and consider my goals for this position. You, the students, will be at the center of my service, and I will always endeavor to represent you in student government and make UC Irvine our home. Please remember to vote for me, Ethan Martinez, as your 2024-2025 ASUCI President.

Thank you,

Ethan Martinez

Jun Jang

Growing up, my favorite flower has always been the mugunghwa, the national flower of the land my parents called home. Its name translates to “eternal blossom that never fades,” speaking to its strength and resilience in conditions of adversity. These past few years, through unprecedented times, I’ve witnessed a similar tenacity from our Anteater community. I’ve seen how we can unite for progress, fight against injustice, and stand tall like mugunghwa. As I get closer to my final year at UCI, I look back at how far we’ve come, and look forward to the change we can create, change that’ll help ALL Anteaters bloom on their journey through higher education.

Hi hi y’all, hope everyone’s been having an amazing school year so far! My name is Jun Jang (he/him), I’m a fourth year Asian American Studies + Political Science double major, and I’m excited to declare my candidacy for a second term as your ASUCI President!

I come to UCI as a low-income, first generation student from a mixed status household, the son of two Korean immigrants who never had the opportunity to participate in the promise of higher education. Like so many of us on our campus, the intersections of my identities have led me to where I am today – informing the struggles I’ve had to overcome, but also the advocacy and care I’m passionate about bringing to our Anteater community. This passion has driven me to serve in different capacities across our student government and campus as a whole – from the Basic Needs Center to the Student Fee Advisory Committee to Student Success Initiatives and more – including a term as your current President!

During my time at UCI, I’ve heard and seen the struggles of students from all different backgrounds. A student who questions where their next meal will come from, a student who worries about making their upcoming rent payment, a student who ignores their mental health to balance everything else in their life, a student who sees their communities left out of our campus’ important decisions – the list goes on. Our collective stories reveal flaws at our university in dire need of addressing, flaws I hope to continue to address as your ASUCI President.

I hold all of your stories close to my heart – your stories resonate with me and push me to do better as an advocate for change.

Throughout my term, I’ve seen firsthand the many ways our university has succeeded – the expansion of undergraduate representation on the Public Safety Advisory Committee, the implementation of crisis counselors through Be Well OC, and more. I’ve also seen the many ways our university has fallen short – the lack of support spaces for many of our communities, the deferral of Opportunity for All for our undocumented students, and more. Amidst it all, it’s always been ASUCI’s role to build upon these successes, take on these shortcomings, and ultimately foster a better UCI for our peers by amplifying student voices into powerful movements for change. Having dedicated my time at UCI to student advocacy through avenues all across our campus, I’m fully prepared to hit the ground running on Day 1, to continue representing the interests of Anteaters as I always have and always will.

I’m excited to share here my current platform, which can be summarized into five core areas of focus – Basic Needs, Student Wellbeing, Campus Climate, Student Life, and Transparency & Accountability. As I engage with, learn from, and above all, listen to all of you, I know my platform will undoubtedly grow to serve the needs of the Anteater community as best as I can! For more information about specific initiatives and commission goals, feel free to check out my platform document:!

Basic Needs | Financial Wellness, Food Security, Housing Security

The past few years have been significant ones for the basic needs space at UCI – we’ve seen funding from the state, the launch of the Basic Needs Center’s mobile food pantry, and more. Yet, there’s more work to be done, because students still go hungry. Students still go to bed wondering if they’ll be able to make another month of rent. Basic needs security is an issue near and dear to my heart, and it’s my firm belief that no student should ever have to worry about where their next meal will come from or whether they’ll have a roof over their heads. By pushing for a campus Basic Needs Advisory Committee, negotiating for more on-campus locations to accept EBT cards, expanding existing campus programs around housing security to include rapid rehousing and rental assistance, and so much more, I promise the Office of the President will be at the forefront of the fight for basic needs.

Student Wellbeing | Mental Health, Sexual Health, Student Health & Wellness (under IVP)

In many ways, we need to be healthy to get the most out of our college experience and thrive. Yet, many gaps exist on our campus that need to be addressed if we want to truly prioritize student wellbeing. Under my administration, a lot of work has been done towards this goal, from reinstating the Sexual Health Commission to providing student-centered recommendations on Equity in Mental Health spending. With this foundation set, now is the time for us to push UCI to provide more. By revitalizing the proposal for a Student Wellness Building, coordinating with the units under the Wellness, Counseling, and Health cluster on holistic programming, advocating for more specialized care for our marginalized communities through units like the Counseling Center, and so much more, I promise the Office of the President will stand by your side to support your wellbeing.

Campus Climate | Campus Climate, Student Equity Advisory Council

Every student deserves the opportunity to thrive in a safe and inclusive campus environment – to express themselves, their background, their heritage. Yet, despite the diversity UCI loves to tout, the long story short is many members of our Anteater community don’t have that opportunity. As we celebrate the Cross-Cultural Center’s 50th anniversary, as a campus, we now have a chance to foster stronger community bonds and coalitions to ensure UCI follows through on its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion for the next fifty years. By implementing greater oversight measures for our campus’ Police Accountability Board, exploring the creation of new resource centers, enhancing the outreach of the Student Equity Advisory Council, and so much more, I promise the Office of the President will strive for a safer and more inclusive campus climate for our Anteaters.

With the UC Board of Regents set to revisit a final decision on Opportunity for All in 2025, I’m also fully committed to advocating for our undocumented students in any way I can. Whether that means supporting California Assembly Bill 2586 or pushing the UC Office of the President to provide greater funding in the meantime, I stand with our undocumented peers as they continue to fight for full employment opportunities across the UC.

Student Life | Art Lab, Student Experience, Student Programming Funding Board (SPFB)

It’s a point of pride for the university that we’re considered an academically rigorous institution. Yet, because of this, we as students spend countless hours trying to keep up with our classes, neglecting our social wellbeing in the process. It’s important for us to remember to take a step back and breathe – because UCI is more than just our course loads. College is a time for self-discovery, exploration, and bonding, where students can experience for themselves interests and passions they may have never found otherwise. ASUCI should undoubtedly play a role in fostering that kind of experience. By providing all our talented Anteaters a platform to express themselves, funding our community’s diverse array of interests and identities, creating a student experience for all to enjoy, and so much more, I promise the Office of the President will promote a vibrant student life for all students at UCI.

Transparency & Accountability | President, OP Director of Office Outreach

UCI operates as an institution of shared governance, where students, staff, and faculty come together to envision a more brilliant future for Anteaters. For this future to come to life, at all levels of the university (including ASUCI itself), students need to know what’s going on at the decision-making table. Over the past four years, I’ve dedicated myself to improving our Association’s transparency, a practice I pledge to continue. I’ve also developed the relationships necessary to effectively engage with administrators and hold them accountable. By organizing town halls with high-level administrators, ensuring adequate student representation on campus committees, developing an efficient framework to gather student feedback for the Chancellor, and so much more, I promise the Office of the President will be dedicated to a student government that serves the students.

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If you made it to the end of this candidate statement, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your dedication. No matter who you end up voting for or who wins this election, what’s important is making your voice heard for a better UCI, because at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all running for – a more brilliant future for Anteaters.

That’s why I’m running for ASUCI President – because I dream of a better UCI. A UCI where students know where their next meal will come from, where students are confident about making their upcoming rent payment, where students can take care of their mental health, where students see themselves represented in our campus’ important decisions – the list goes on. There’s so much we can achieve when we all come together to dream of a better UCI – I’m running to make our dreams a reality. I encourage y’all to continue to dream of a better UCI, and if something in my statement resonated with you, if you’d like to join me on this journey, feel free to reach out – I’d be more than happy to have you along :)

In my time at UCI, I’ve always put the interests of the student body first – as your President, as a Basic Needs Advocate, as Chair of the Student Fee Advisory Committee, and so much more. This election cycle, I’d like to ask all of you to dream of a better UCI, and vote for the candidate with a proven track record for change. Vote for the candidate who’ll help ALL Anteaters bloom like mugunghwa. Vote Jun Jang for ASUCI President! Thank you so much for your time, see you on the campaign trail!

With Love and Respect,
Jun Jang (he/him)
ASUCI Presidential Candidate
Campaign IG: @jun4asucipres

* All titles and organization names for identification purposes only

External Vice President

Kylie Jones
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hi Anteaters!

My name is Kylie Jones (she/her/hers), and I’m honored to declare my candidacy for the role of External Vice President (EVP) for the 2024-2025 academic year. As a third-year Public Health Policy student with minors in Asian Studies and Biology who has been heavily involved in advocacy efforts at UCI and beyond, I’m dedicated to serving and fighting for the various needs of our UCI community.

During my time in the Office of the External Vice President, I’ve taken on various roles and responsibilities aimed at advancing student advocacy and well-being. Beginning as an Organizing Commission staffer in the 2021-2022 academic year, I worked on impactful initiatives such as advocating for menstrual equity and campaigning against labor rights violations. Building on my experience, I transitioned into roles such as UCSA Campus Relations Director and Campus Climate appointed officer for the EVP Office and the UC Student Association. In these capacities during the 2022-2023 academic year, I focused on fostering collaboration between entities, leading voter registration drives, and advocating for disability justice. Additionally, within UCSA, I played a crucial role in overseeing the implementation of campus safety programs and advocating for student-centered campus safety policies. Now, as Co-Chief of Staff for the EVP Office and Student Observer to the UC Regents Health Services Committee, I continue to support the EVP Office’s operations while advocating for student well-being at the UC Regents Health Services Committee. Together, these experiences have equipped me to further champion student-centered initiatives and policies.

Throughout my time as a student advocate, I’ve been actively involved in addressing a variety of issues affecting our campus community – ranging from holistic needs and college affordability to racial and environmental justice. My engagements extend beyond ASUCI, including serving as the Vice President of Research and Community Outreach for Planned Parenthood Generation Action UCI, where I’ve coordinated advocacy events to promote sexual health awareness and civic engagement among students. My leadership experiences, together with my passion for advocating for positive change, have equipped me to effectively represent your interests at all levels of government. I plan to do this by:

  • Advocating for Student-Centered Policies: Engaging government officials at all levels to prioritize student needs, advocating for increased funding for higher education, campus safety measures, and equity-focused policies.
  • Amplifying Student Representation: Leading initiatives to improve student representation in decision-making processes, advocating for policies that value student input, and increasing UCI’s representation in the UC Student Association.
  • Fostering Community Connections: Establishing forums for historically marginalized and underrepresented communities to engage with government officials, promoting dialogue and collaboration to address pressing issues.
  • Making Civic Engagement Accessible: Making civic engagement more accessible and inclusive for all students, ensuring transparency in voting processes and empowering every member of the campus community to participate actively in civic life.
  • Prioritizing Accountability in Advocacy: Ensuring transparency, integrity, and responsiveness within the EVP Office and in interactions with external governing bodies, holding ourselves and external entities accountable for their actions.
  • Promoting Student Well-being Through Policy Targets: Advocating for affordable housing, improved campus safety, enhanced higher education affordability, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and sustainable practices that prioritize indigeneity and environmental justice to promote a supportive and healthy campus community.

In this critical election year, a student-centered and engaged External Vice President’s office is more necessary than ever in ensuring student civic involvement and representation. I plan to achieve these objectives by advocating for policies that emphasize students’ needs, building strong community ties, boosting access to civic involvement, guaranteeing transparency and accountability in advocacy efforts, and enhancing student representation in decision-making processes.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy and learn more about my platform. Your support means the world to me, and I’m committed to representing and advocating for each and every member of our UCI community. Join me in advocating for the needs of our UCI community by voting Kylie Jones for External Vice President. Together, let’s make a difference and empower every Anteater voice!

To delve into my comprehensive campaign statement and platform outlining my priorities, please visit:

Karley Dinh

Hello fellow Anteaters, 

My name is Karley, a third-year business administration major running for ASUCI External Vice President. As a transfer student, I understand the challenges of adapting to a new environment, especially as an international student being far away from home. I came to ASUCI my first quarter upon transferring. Therefore, I am committed to increasing the connection between ASUCI and students, ensuring that every student feels supported and represented. My passion for fostering inclusivity and connection stems from my past college experience as President of the International Student Association. 

If elected, I will focus on specific initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and diversity within our campus community. I will work to organize events and workshops that explore the intersections of identity, such as race, gender, sexuality, and ability. Moreover, I will regulate town hall meetings and feedback booths on campus where students can voice their concerns, share their ideas, and seek assistance from ASUCI representatives.

In conclusion, I am dedicated to creating a campus community where every voice is heard, valued, and respected. Together, let us work towards a more inclusive and equitable UCI. Thank you for considering me, Karley Dinh, as your next External Vice President. 

Nancy Ximena Reynoso
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

To my fellow students,

I am ecstatic to announce that I will be running for External Vice President for the school year 2024-2025! As the current Government Relations Director under our External Vice President, Michelle Dong, I have been able to learn and witness the triumphs, bureaucracy, and issues plaguing our campus.

In order to make tangible improvements to our campus I am running on a platform to expand the accessibility, affordability and transparency from our office to the student body.


To ensure that students on campus get their voices heard and represented within the External Vice President office. The EVP office has historically been more un-involved on the issues on campus as we have focused on external affairs regarding the Associated students like the UC Student Association. However, in order to accurately represent and gain the most wins and improvements for our students on campus the EVP office must change to get more student input.One of the events that I found the most impactful during my time as Government Relations Director was when we helped host the Latine Student Town Hall. During this meeting I was able to genuinely learn and hear about the experiences that students had on campus, and open my eyes into what are the issues that students truly wish for our office to advocate for them.  In order to foster this sense of community,  I would like to host monthly town hall meetings for students on campus. Each month would have a different theme and look to address and get the input of all groups on campus, making sure that they’re voices are equally heard and brought to our attention. As the great Eva Lewis once said “To be an advocate is to listen” and that is one aspect that needs to be brought back into the External Vice President Space.

One of the main roles that the External Vice President has is to also work as a voting member for the student body in regards to the UC Student Association. Many students though feel far removed from the space that as a UC student they are entitled to. Through my work organizing the first ever Latine Student Lobby Day I bore witness to these discrepancies and worked on grassroots outreach in order to get the highest application turnout for any identity lobby day we have ever had on campus. In  order to bring more of this outreach and  transparency into the role for the student body as EVP, I would make sure to have board recaps, so that the student body is aware of the work that we were able to get done during our monthly meetings. Additionally, at the beginning of each board meeting there is a promise of public comment, however, based on my time in the space it is rare that the grievances or issues on our campus, which could benefit from UC wide support, are ever mentioned. Based on this reality, I would also as EVP work on promoting our student’s involvement in this space and making sure that our students are aware of every decision being made and worked towards.


One of the main jobs that the External Vice President’s office has to the student body is to give them the opportunity to advocate and legislate for their needs at a local, state and federal level. While we have been able to provide that in the past years through the UC Student Association conferences, it is imperative that we begin to advocate for more UC Irvine focused legislation and student needs. To ensure this, during my time as External Vice President, I will look to re-start the UCI lobby corp. Lobby corps in the past have helped to foster legislative advocacy work on campus and have helped run and develop UCI center lobby days, where students have the possibility to go to visit their representatives in Sacramento and at their local offices. By restarting a lobby corp here on campus, the office can begin to provide more advocacy opportunities for students and give them more unique opportunities to meet and lobby their representatives.

As EVP I would also pledge to support our students on campus and their advocacy towards the UC regents. Throughout the year the regents, have acted unbecomingly, specifically their actions towards students who were protetsting for the implementation of the O4ALL campaign, a promise made to the students by the regents, was dispecable. As EVP I would ensure that our office does the necessary work to support and uplift the voices of our students affected by the regents. If it is through bringing them to regents meetings or uplifting their voices and comments in the EVP’s quarterly meetings with President Drake, as EVP I promise to stand with our students in the fight in all manner needed.

Another important thing to note is that as we go into an election year, it is imperative that the EVP for the next year’s committee to empower and engage our eligible voters on campus. As EVP I vouch to start an Anteater Vote Coalition in order to uplift and expand the voter outreach efforts that our office has on campus. I also pledge to add at least one more additional polling place on campus for the November elections as well as working on having at least one ballot-drop-off box at each of the main schools on campus in order to make voting easy to access for each anteater. The student vote has always been a crucial player in creating change in our society, and I want to make that opportunity as easily accessible to every student as possible.

As EVP I would also pledge to increase our student’s access to basic needs through advocating for a Collegiate Recovery Program to be implemented on campus. As one of two UC campuses that currently does not have a collegiate recovery program it is essential that we implement this program as quickly as possible. Collegiate recovery programs are essential to our students battling substance abuse and other behavioral problems. By having a center on campus that is inclusive, welcoming and accessible to students, we can help our students become healthier physically and mentally as they work towards recovery. In combination with this I also pledge to increase our student’s access to Narcan and fentanyl testing strips through advocating for them to be implemented on some vending machines on campus, making them accessible and in reach to our students.


As the UC system continues to increase it’s tuition and fees for students, it is crucial for the EVP office to continue to advocate for students’ financial state. As EVP one of the main things that I would work on is to increase the current wage for our UC student workers here on campus. Currently, students are paid according to state minimum wage. However, as EVP I will work to advocate for students to be paid a living wage and work with the administration in order to increase our student’s yearly wages on a fixed scale. I will also fight to include more benefits within our student workers’ contracts, like additional sick days off, in order to accommodate for students’ needs and health on our campus.

As a student that isn’t traditionally represtned in student government spaces throughout UC irvine, my campaign and tenure as the External vice president will focus on bringing out voices to the forefront of our advocacy. To make sure the student body on our campus works for all and leaves nobody behind in our fight for a better university. Advocacy is never trully successful unless it works for all, and that’s a promise I will uphold. Join me in my vision to build a better and brighter future for our student body.

For your consideration,

Nancy Ximena Reynoso


Internal Vice President

Shruti Gundu
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello Everyone,

My name is Shruti Gundu and I am a third (3rd) year Psychology (B.S.) major with a minor in Archaeology at UC Irvine. Student leadership and engagement has been at the core of my personal experience as a student at UC Irvine; it is so important to me to be able to hold space and empower students in sharing their voices to make an impact at student and systemic levels. As a first (1st) year, I joined the Sustainability Project Commission as an intern under the office of the Internal Vice President. Being in a position where I am able to make meaningful efforts and support my peers while furthering my own passion for sustainability and equity has motivated me to strive to continue being a student leader. I have also served as the Sustainability Project Commissioner and now as the Chief-of-Staff for the Internal Vice President. ASUCI has been a crucial experience that has helped determine my ideals as a student leader and the changes we need in our campus climate.

Driven by my passion for service and giving back to the community, I have been involved on campus beyond just ASUCI. I have acted as a staffer for the Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP) last summer, to welcome incoming students to UC Irvine and create a community where they can belong, and I am very excited to be returning to the position again this summer. I have also served as an undergraduate representative on the Student Fee Advisory Committee and as the chair for the ARC Advisory Board this past year. Additionally, I have also been a We Rise Ambassador and the Leadership Admin Intern at the Womxn’s Center for Success, dedicated to social justice regarding gender identity and celebrating a beautiful community. All these experiences, as well as being a part of student clubs on campus, have given me many perspectives on the needs of students and the kind of representation we need.

I believe that the Internal Vice President is an entity that works most closely with students to make sure that they have the best representation possible and the resources they need to succeed at UC Irvine. As Internal Vice President, I would like to ground myself in the following tenets – transparency, advocacy, accessibility, engagement and expansion.

  1. Transparency: Actively communicating with students to hear their concerns and expectations for their representatives and be accountable for better representation efforts. Voicing the needs of undergraduate students during meetings with campus administrators to make sure that resources and additional forms of support are being provided to students. Being transparent with students, and about students with administration, is key to help support student endeavors and promote a better campus climate for my peers.
  2. Advocacy: Increasing collaboration with departments and registered campus organizations outside of ASUCI, but also the various offices within to improve advocacy efforts and make sure that students are a constant priority throughout the process of planning and implementing events and initiatives. Furthermore, making sure to increase opportunities for students to advocate for themselves by making positions within ASUCI, and especially the student Advisory Boards, more prominent and diverse in terms of the members serving on them. These boards include the ARC, Bus Love, Student Center, and other important facilities of student life at UC Irvine, which means that student representatives are crucial in making important decisions in these spaces. By increasing the visibility and access of these boards, students will be able to advocate for themselves across campus.
  3. Accessibility: A key mission for the Internal Vice President and the office will be to remain in close contact with resources already present on campus and working closely with students to establish new avenues of access and improve existing resource channels. Many valuable resources go underutilized, as I have seen first hand working with the Womxn’s Center for Success, and actively promoting them to increase awareness is the first step. Beyond that, ensuring communication with other resources that can serve the large populations of students off-campus as well will be vital in ensuring student success.
  4. Engagement: Hosting a variety of events throughout the year that will give students opportunities to enhance their experience, skills and knowledge is a core belief of the Internal Vice President. Commissions under the office will work extensively with student organizations to plan such events and look for feedback on areas of improvements and what students would like to see going forward. The biggest goal here is to encourage students to reach out and share their opinions and communicate with their representatives on whether or not their needs are being met. This also means that students can share ideas on how the student government can continue to diversify events and initiatives in the pursuit of better representation.
  5. Expansion: Widening the scope of initiatives undertaken by the commissions in the office to better create a sense of community for students who are commuters, transfers, international and identify with certain identities by working with other organizations and students. A priority will be to identify links and bridge the gap between a specific commission and existing departments and clubs on campus that work on relevant issues to combine forces and share resources to better help students. Identifying the diversity of our student population and appreciating it by highlighting the necessary support for them in order to foster a positive experience and learning environment for all students based on principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.

I truly appreciate your time and patience in reading this statement – it is my priority and privilege to be able to represent students and engage in leadership for my peers. I would be honored to be your voice and start conversations of change for the improvement of student access and resources within student government and our campus as a whole. Please consider voting for me as your next Internal Vice President.

Thank you,

Shruti Gundu

Darius Simms
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

-Angela Davis

Hello fellow Anteaters,

We have been a second thought for too long at a university that is supposed to cater to the needs of their students. We will no longer accept what is handed to us, but we will create a UCI in the image of the students that we can all truly be proud of. I understand that the relationship between ASUCI and the student body is founded on the uplifting of student voices and advocacy, however, this Association has strayed far from its goal. How can we expect to see a UCI that reflects the best interest of students when your advocates are accepting the things they cannot change. My name is Darius Simms, I am your candidate for ASUCI Internal Vice President. I am currently the Event Coordinator for Black Student Union, a founder of the Black Law Society, and the former ASUCI LGBTQIA+ Identity Director. I am dedicated to changing the things we will no longer accept.

The student experience is intrinsically one of struggle. We have to pay rent, buy groceries, work jobs, balance school, family and friends, and tend to many other responsibilities. The mandatory $150 ASUCI fee is supposed to ensure we are comfortable living even in our struggle. It is to ensure that when we step on campus we feel like everything at UCI was created for our best interest. This hasn’t been our experience for years. Administration has severely lacked when it comes to prioritizing the welfare of their students, and ASUCI hasn’t shown up for the student body by holding the administration accountable for their actions. On top of that, the lack of effort to ensure there is truly diversity on campus, and in ASUCI, is concerning to say the least. We as a student body are already struggling to meet basic needs. It shouldn’t be our job to work tirelessly to make our identities visible when we pay ASUCI to be committed to the welfare and protection of all students which is promised in their constitution. Though we have a gloomy past in ASUCI there is still a chance for us to take ownership of our Association and create a brighter future. This is not a mission for one person, but a collaborative effort joining the whole undergraduate student body. We are agents of change, and now it is time for all of our voices to be heard.

As the candidate for Internal Vice President, I promise to create a strong, tight-knit community that we can all be proud to claim. Please go to the doc below to see how I plan to start this in partnership with you all:

We are in this together, so I want to hear from you. It is of the utmost importance that I make each community on this campus feel seen and heard. If you need support along this academic journey, you can reach me by email at We will work together so that we can change the things we cannot accept. I look forward to hearing from you, working with you, and making a better community for us to thrive in.


Darius Anthony Louis Simms

Internal Vice President Candidate 

Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine

Academic Affairs Vice President

Shreyas Vasist Chandramouli
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello, Anteaters! I’m Shreyas, a Computer Science major with a minor in Economics, and it is my honor and privilege to be running to be your next Academic Affairs Vice President!

With an extensive tenure serving as the Student Advocate General within ASUCI for over a year, Internal Student Advocate General, and intern at the SAG office, coupled with my dedicated role as an active undergraduate student researcher, I am confident that I have the experience and the leadership skills necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities of this position faithfully.  As a long-time executive cabinet member, I completely transformed and improved the Student Advocate General Office by creating our own governing document and passing orders to increase the transparency, and efficiency of our HR Policies. Our actions included passing orders to mandate HR training across ASUCI and working with professional staff to achieve a smooth budget process.

I have had a true passion for promoting advocacy and equity, and I promise to pursue the following goals if I do get elected:

Goals for UCI Academic Senate

  • Students need better help. Students go through a lot during their time at UCI. They have trouble with certain academic policies, their professors, or even accessing the right resources for their concerns. This is where my experience as the Student Advocate General proves extremely helpful. I will establish academic caseworkers who will provide the personalized attention and answers that our students need. After receiving a submission from an aggrieved student, the caseworkers shall reach out to them, hear their side of the story, and then directly engage with faculty or the Academic Senate to ensure that the student’s concerns are resolved as soon as possible.
  • Our Transfer/International Student Unit Transfer System is broken. International and transfer students come to UCI with vast experiences and knowledge that contribute significantly to the university’s diverse and rich cultural fabric. Yet, we continue to fail them academically. Transfer students are often misadvised about courses they receive credit on or even fail to transfer units for the most bureaucratic reasons. International students struggle with this issue too! Most international students have to repeat introductory courses at UCI simply because their high school certifications are not recognized by the university to receive units. This greatly hinders their ability to progress through their academic career, and immediately puts them at a disadvantage relative to other students. To solve these issues, I will interact with the Academic Senate, as well as the deans of the various schools to ensure that concrete steps are taken to ensure that unit transfer policies are transparent, and regularly published on their websites. I will also take steps to ensure that more international higher education certifications are recognized by the university.
  • We need better policies on AI. Given the recent meteoric rise of Artificial Intelligence and large language models like ChatGPT, our universities have been rushing to implement new policies to curb its spread and use in academic integrity violations. We must ensure that these policies have student input and take into consideration the following:
    • Student works should not be used to train Artificial Intelligence Models without their explicit consent.
    • Steps should be taken to ensure that students are not wrongfully accused of academic integrity violations.
    • Valid policy considerations do not disadvantage UCI students in their careers.

Goals For Office Commissions

  • We need transparency in our advocacy efforts at the Academic Senate. As an office, we need more town halls and updates from the UCI Academic Senate to reach our student body. We also need to make sure that we publicize the academic advocacy comment box more accessible to all of our students by collaborating with CMTO, KUCI, and The New University newspaper.
  • We need to engage students in university opportunities. We need to connect students to university opportunities across our schools, such as UROP and Peer Academic Advising Program, making sure that students know everything that the university has to offer. Using fairs, town halls, and mixers with event organizers we can engage more students and connect them to more opportunities.
  • Students need better academic help. Anteaters need more than just free pens and greenbooks. Our students need academic help through some of their hardest classes. So I will collaborate with LARC, and the writing center to enable more accessible, more frequent academic classes, to allow students to excel in all of their classes. We will also organize lectures and talks to allow anteaters to better use large language models like ChatGPT to their advantage and get ahead of the competition.
  • Develop more professional workshops for first-year students to learn life skills. The AntLeader Mentorship Program is a great opportunity for first-year, first-gen, low-income students, so I would like to see this program increase the number of applicants, increase the publicity of the program, diversify and increase the workshops to include programs such as resume-building, interview preparations, and exposure to possible professions to equip them with skills that will benefit them for their future careers or goals.
  • Higher Education Resources need to be more accessible. We need higher education resources to be more visible around the campus. I would like our Higher Education Resources & Opportunities (HERO) Office to collaborate more with the CMTO, New University, and KUCI to publish more resources and FAQs on higher education, the grants that exist to enable more students to pursue higher education and allow for greater student engagement.
  •  More Speakers from more diverse communities. The Speakers Commission at AAVP has brought to UCI some of the most influential speakers and entertainers in the world. Throughout the years, they have inspired us with their life stories, professional accomplishments, and enthusiasm, and we need more! So we will double the number of speakers events and tap into UCI’s incredible faculty and staff to give talks on the world’s most pressing issues, while also inviting renowned celebrities, with a focus on Black, LGBTQ+, and other minority communities to engage all members of the UCI student body and broaden our perspectives.

I am confident that my experience and passion make me the best candidate for this position. I hope to earn your support and trust in the coming weeks. Thank you for considering me as a candidate for student government.

Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile ( feel free to reach out to me at my email ( if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you so much for your support!


Zot! Zot! Zot!


Warm Regards and with dedication,

Shreyas Vasist Chandramouli

Karsten Schubert

This will be my second year at UCI, but in my time here, I have seen many great examples of leadership, and have been greatly involved with campus activities. Being a Speakers Commissioner for the 2023-2024 school year, I have been able to interact with and reach out to many students here at UCI, and bring them both professional and entertaining speakers to present topics that may assist them in the future. I have built upon my skills as a leader in this position, tackling issues that arose during the school year, and ensuring that these problems did not affect the quality of the speakers my commission brought to the students. Not only did I build my skills as a leader during my first year, but I also developed my socialization and teamwork skills by being a research intern for ThinkNeuro Inc., researching the relationship between complex medical language and limited English proficiency with my team. We reached out to campuses, hospitals, nurses, and doctors to help further our research and produce materials to help limited-English proficiency patients understand the nature of their treatments. I wish to make the most of my time here at UCI and provide the proper academic resources to all students while learning and growing with them. I want to bring in more speakers for educational podcasts, help coordinate big informational and educational events for students, and provide every single student with the resources they need to succeed, whether that be pens or pencils, textbooks, scantrons, and much more.

Student Services Vice President

Mireille Tempa Ngaha
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective


My name is Mireille (pron. muh-ray) and I’m an upcoming sophomore studying Chemistry with a minor in African American Studies. The catalyst for declaring my candidacy for Student Services Vice President was the constant marginalization of specific groups on campus that been continuously unaddressed. To witness a plethora of ASUCI entertainment-based events that did not cater to the marginalized. This monstrosity is what I strive to eliminate as your Student Services V.P. From prior leadership experience in various clubs throughout the years, I know that I’m an adequate fit for such an esteemed position.

My main priority would be to ensure that each undergraduate gets catered to without hostility. And of course, provide a galore of entertainment and memories in the process. I cannot possibly attempt such a task alone. With your help anteaters, this vision can come into fruition! Your thoughts and opinions are essential to creating such an enhancing experience.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my statement.



Aight bye :P

Trish Ly
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello Anteaters!

My name is Trish Ly (she/her) and I am a first (1st)-generation, third (3rd) year double majoring in Education Sciences and Psychological Sciences. I currently serve as the co-commissioner of Student Talent in ASUCI’s Office of Student Services VP. I am thrilled and privileged to announce that I am running for the position of Student Services Vice President for the next academic term (2024-2025).

I began my journey with ASUCI in the Office of Student Services fall of second (2nd) year interning for the Student Talent Commission, the commission that strives to offer UCI’s most diverse and talented students a platform to showcase their talents and entertain the undergraduate student body. Starting as an intern, I was able to cultivate many strong relationships, while also working with a passionate, hardworking office to learn how to adapt and execute successful and engaging large-scale events. Presently, I am serving as one (1) of two (2) co-commissioners for the Student Talent Commission. This year, I have had the pleasure of leading an amazing team of interns alongside my co-commissioner to execute and highlight events and opportunities that foster inclusivity and creativity to empower students to express themselves and their talents within our student body, such as Sunset Showdown and Anteater Involvement Fair (AIF). We have collaborated closely with the Athletic Engagement Commission, Campus Spirit Commission, and Concert Engagement Commission to provide student performance opportunities for their events at Defend the Bren, Homecoming, Aldrich Park after Dark (APAD), and Summerlands. In addition, we have worked with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to promote student talent at their annual event, CelebrateUCI.

Apart from my involvement in the Office of Student Services, during my second (2nd) year, I interned with the Antleader Mentorship Program (AMP), a mentorship program serving first (1st)-generation, low-ses (socioeconomic status) students under the Office of Academic Affairs. In my role, I supported and mentored incoming first (1st) and second (2nd) years in their transition to UCI by offering resources, workshops, a sense of community, and growth opportunities for them to explore their identity and thrive during their time here. Moreover, I currently serve as a mentor in Visions Leadership, a mentorship program affiliated with the Office of Internal Vice President. Being a mentor alongside two (2) of my co’s, we were able to guide a group of devoted mentees in planning and implementing an advocacy project aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of the various resources and sites available on campus geared towards the diverse needs of students to succeed at UCI. These experiences outside of the Office of Student Services inspired me to explore the different avenues to enhance the student life on campus and continue my time in ASUCI.

Outside of ASUCI, I was fortunate to continue building and developing my sense of community and contribute to various campus organizations that provided support to the student body. I served as a staffer for the Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP) in 2022, 2023, and now 2024. As a staffer, I welcomed thousands of incoming students with their adjustment to UCI. In addition, I was involved in Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs (COVP) as their Volunteer Programs Admin Intern. As an Admin Intern, I actively planned and executed the department’s volunteer events and activities by collaborating with a diverse group of students, staff, and various campus departments. Some of the events that I was able to successfully coordinate with my team included MLK Jr. Day of Service, Volunteer Appreciation Week, Earth Day of Service, and the Community Service & Leadership Fair.

Throughout my involvement across various branches of ASUCI and campus organizations, I have gained valuable experiences and insights where I grew with many teams of individuals from diverse backgrounds and organized events that enriched and supported the student experience on campus. These opportunities enabled me to form and strengthen connections within ASUCI and among fellow Anteater students. Furthermore, I was able to improve and grow my identity as a professional, but also furthered my abilities in effective communication and delegation with my fellow commissioners, interns, professional staff, campus organizations/groups, and the student body.

The Office of Student Services has consistently served as the primary platform for student representation and engagement, aiming to elevate your college experience through our office that organizes large-scale events that promote diversity, accessibility, equity, and inclusivity. In the approaching school year, I will continue to closely hold all of the feedback and constructive criticism from students regarding their experience in our events, ensuring that plans for the upcoming year are guided around the student’s best interests. I am committed and will maintain my dedication to working collaboratively with other branches of the ASUCI office, student organizations, and leading/guiding a team of enthusiastic, dedicated leaders to execute events that represent and serve the diverse needs of the entire student body, while simultaneously promoting our Anteater school spirit.

Below are some of my main goals as Student Services Vice President that I will uphold and strive to accomplish:

  1. My aim is to strengthen each of the seven (7) commissions and our CORE team by carefully planning and pushing to accomplish their achievable goals for each event designed to cater to all the diverse interests of the undergraduate community. I will equip and mentor each individual in my team to make sure they are able to uphold their mission statement for their commission, are able to exceed the expectations for their respective roles, and can foster a collaborative, supportive environment for everyone in the office.
    • Ultimately, my goal is to uphold an inclusive office culture where everyone feels supported, nurtures stronger relationships, and embodies a strong work ethic where we are all committed to better enhancing the student life on campus.
  2. My priority is making sure that we improve and strengthen collaboration and transparent communication with all campus organizations and the undergraduate student community. I want to increase the accessibility for feedback from the student body within the Office of Student Services. I will encourage every student to voice their opinions, whether it be feedback, criticism, or suggestions, following each SSVP event they attend or any time they feel that there needs to be changes from our office, so that our office can continuously improve and deliver meaningful events for the student body. I will take initiative to have collaboration and reach out to various campus sites, ensuring that everyone feels supported.
    • My goal is to cultivate a stronger relationship with the student body and ensure that their opinions, values, and ideas are represented.

I sincerely thank you for taking your time to read through my statement and I look forward to hearing and uplifting all of your voices and making sure that you, the students, are represented here at UCI. I hope to earn your vote and trust to serve you and the students as the next Student Services Vice President this upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

Thank you,

Trish Ly

Student Advocate General

Victory Ogbonnaya

Hello, Anteaters! My name is Victory Ogbonnaya, and I am a first-year Mechanical Engineering major running to serve as the Student Advocate General (SAG) for the 2024-2025 school year. As a woman of color, I’m deeply committed to inclusion, equity, and advocacy because representation and the protection of student rights matter. By taking on this role, I aim to advocate for the rights and needs of all students, which includes bringing attention to any issues and concerns that may arise concerning unfair treatment. My goal is to ensure that the voices of all groups of students on campus are heard and actively considered in decision-making processes. I see this opportunity as a platform to help amplify underrepresented voices and work towards fostering a sense of belonging and feelings of support for all students on campus. I aim to bring a nuanced understanding of intersectionality to the forefront, striving for a more holistic approach to student advocacy that considers the diverse needs and experiences within our academic community. If granted the opportunity to be your next Student Advocate General, I hope to pursue the following goals:

  • Transparency of ASUCI: I want to keep expanding the ways ASUCI is transparent with the student body so that the minds of all students can be at peace. I plan on doing this by 1) being more public about the rights every student on campus has, 2) making sure everyone is familiar with the Case-Tracking System for complaints, and 3) having more publicized Student Advocate General Office hours that anyone could come to for advice.
  • Amplification of Student Voices: I plan to advocate for the UCI undergraduate community by amplifying student voices. By continuing the development of town hall meetings with ASUCI, Pro-Staff, and other university officials, I hope to create a safe place where students are free to speak their minds and know that their critiques are heard and understood.
  • Equal Representation: As a diverse student body, every aspect of UCI, from the information that’s publicized to the events that take place on campus, should represent our diversity. To aid in this, I wish to lend my voice in board meetings to encourage better representation for all groups.

Vote for me, Victory Ogbonnaya, as your next SAG to better advocate for UCI undergraduates.

Suhina Chand

Dear Anteaters,

Hello! My name is Suhina Chand, and I am a 1st year Cognitive Science major. I have been involved in ASUCI since my very first day at UCI, serving under the Office of the Student Advocate General as the first Deputy Accountability Officer in ASUCI.

Let’s cut straight to the chase. What can I, your hopeful next Student Advocate General, do for you?


  • Enhancing visibility and the effectiveness of SAG office through various initiatives.
  • Goals include refining the role of the External Student Advocate General, launching informational rights pamphlets, expanding our digital resource hub, and initiating a peer education program.
  • I have planned a timeline and roadmap to tangibly achieve such goals
  • I have plans to expand the support for the Internal Student Advocate General office and Chief Accountability Office, in order to continue what SAG has been doing well and ensure the most efficient means for ensuring fairness and transparency within ASUCI.
  • Voting for Suhina is voting for positive change! :)

The Long Version: 

The SAG office stands as the frontline for advocacy and support within ASUCI, committed to serving UCI students in several crucial ways:

  1. Advocating for UCI students in dialogues with Campus Administration.
  2. Assisting UCI students in lodging complaints against ASUCI.
  3. Informing UCI students about their rights.
  4. Supporting students dealing with university disciplinary actions.
  5. Guiding students to resources for support and reporting.

In my role as Deputy Accountability Officer, I’ve witnessed firsthand the significant strides made by the SAG office in enhancing these services. From updating critical forms like the Right to Information and Complaint forms to establishing an anonymous case tracking system, the Office has worked tirelessly to improve accessibility and efficiency, all while managing our regular workload and providing assistance to students with investigations involving ASUCI and other matters.

With amazing resources available, there’s one main problem that I wish to address: VISIBILITY! 

Here are my goals and vision for the SAG office:

  • Expanding and Refining the Role of the External Student Advocate General: Due to the Student Equity Advisory Council (SEAC) being moved from the SAG office to the Office of the President, the branch responsible for the visibility of the SAG office has been left in a gray area. To ensure the effectiveness of the ESAG role, it needs to transition from a vague position to one that is more specific, detailed, and productive.

To do so, here are my planned events and roadmap for defining the ESAG.

Rights Pamphlets and Information Series: Through the ESAG, I plan to launch a series of informative pamphlets and online distribution of rights-related materials. Collaborations with the Chief Media and Technology Office (CMTO) will ensure regular dissemination, empowering students with knowledge about their rights and the resources available to them.

  • Such pamphlets will also take into special consideration first-year students, transfer students, international students, and minority students, ensuring that information is presented in a clear, accessible, and culturally sensitive manner to those that may need it the most.
  • Efforts will be made to translate materials into multiple languages to cater to the diverse linguistic needs of the student population.

Digital Resource Hub: While the SAG website already includes an immensely helpful resource page, which can be found here (, adding FAQs about such resources and downloadable materials outlining the purpose and abilities these resources have would expand the role of the Office to fulfill the following responsibility— “To educate the undergraduate student body on their rights, ASUCI, UC, and UCI policies, including student conduct policies; state and federal laws, regulations, procedures;”(ASUCI Constitution)

The availability of an optimized and accessible digital resource hub, along with pamphlets, aids in my overarching vision for the Office of the Student Advocate General and the External Student Advocate General Branch, which includes the following…

Peer Education Program: I aim to establish a peer education program where trained student volunteers serve as rights ambassadors. These ambassadors will conduct outreach activities through boothing and social media, distribute informational materials, and host small group discussions to educate their peers about their rights and available resources. For example, these sessions can cover topics such as the student conduct process, rights and responsibilities of students, and available support services.

  • Specializing in outreach, these ambassadors would assist in enacting policy changes from trends noticed at the ground level, assisting in the SAG’s ability to “point out issues with University policies to ASUCI and advocating for the amendment of said policies…and representing the position of ASUCI in discussions with the University or campus administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct.” (ASUCI Constitution)

Running for SAG is not just a spur of the moment decision for me, but rather a culmination of my passion to foster trust and transparency between the UCI student body and ASUCI, as well as amongst ASUCI branches. In doing so, I have already laid out a timeline for achieving these goals and sticking to my word to the best of my ability:

Office Goals Roadmap:

Fall Quarter 2024

Establish ESAG Roadmap:

    • Define the role and responsibilities of the External Student Advocate General (ESAG), update SAG handbook if necessary.
    • Develop a detailed roadmap outlining specific objectives, strategies, and timelines for enhancing the visibility and effectiveness of the ESAG role.
    • Hire additional support staffers and interns as needed to begin progress for Ambassador program
  • Launch Rights Pamphlets and Information Series:
    • Collaborate with CMTO to design and produce rights-related pamphlets and informational materials.
  • Launch the series through online distribution and physical dissemination at strategic locations on campus.
  • Ensure special consideration is given to the needs of first-year students, transfer students, international students, and minority students in the content and presentation of materials.
  • Initiate Peer Education Program:
    • Recruit and train student volunteers to serve as rights ambassadors for the peer education program.
    • Develop training modules covering topics such as student rights, disciplinary processes, and advocacy skills.
    • Plan and organize outreach activities, including boothing events, social media campaigns, and small group discussions led by peer educators.

Winter Quarter 2024:

Expand Digital Resource Hub:

  • Enhance the existing SAG website’s resource page by adding FAQs and downloadable materials.
  • Ensure comprehensive coverage of topics related to student rights, ASUCI, UC, and UCI policies, student conduct, state and federal laws, regulations, and procedures.
  • Make sure downloadable materials are accessible to students, including developing in multiple formats and languages.

Spring Quarter 2025:

Monitor and Evaluate Progress:

  • Conduct regular assessments to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of ESAG initiatives, rights pamphlets, and the peer education program.
  • Gather feedback from students for improvement and refinement.
  • Make necessary adjustments to strategies and approaches based on findings.

These new goals and initiatives are going to be done concurrently with maintaining the core responsibilities of the office, including expanding support and policies for the Internal Student Advocate General due to the addition of the Deputy positions, as well as ensuring the swift progress of work for the Chief Accountability Officer due to the new legislation passed and addition of Deputy Officers.

So…why Suhina for SAG?

While I may be new to ASUCI, my previous extensive and current experiences in government and legislation have equipped me with the proper tools to fulfill the SAG position efficiently and successfully.

Some examples include being the Community President for Congresswoman Katie Porter’s Youth Advisory Board, where I personally was responsible for Congressional Community projects as well as writing amendments for certain legislation.

Additionally, my involvement in the UCI+Stanford Allcove Youth Advisory Board and Conference Committee has equipped me with the experience of writing grants and policies regarding mental health legislation and opening accessbility for youth mental health.

Some of my most notable achievements with my experiences in allcove is being nominated by my Irvine Director to directly serve on Stanford’s central allcove team. I played a crucial role in securing a $3 million dollar grant from CalOptima by being a youth speaker to CalOptima’s Board UCI allcove.

I believe that these are just a few examples that demonstrate my ability to not only effectively collaborate with diverse teams and navigate complex organizational structures, but also to articulate compelling arguments that resonate with key stakeholders, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of community initiatives.

I wholeheartedly believe that while I am newer to ASUCI, I have successfully navigated the initiation into the office as Deputy Accountability Officer, demonstrating adaptability and a quick learning curve.

I am applying for SAG because I know I can best serve ASUCI and the SAG office where my strengths lie–with my demonstrated commitment and capability towards equity, legislation, and policy, I know I can make the SAG office, ASUCI, and the UCI student body proud :)

Thank you for considering me for the position of Student Advocate General!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at or check out my campaign website here:

Together, let’s make a difference at UCI. :)

At Large Senator

Nelson Guardado

I am a recent transfer from the Bay Area hoping to make a positive impact in my last year. As a first-generation Salvadoran American student I aspire to be a champion for underrepresented affinity groups on campus. I make effort to attend a variety of events here because I believe in embracing the communities and multiculturalism of UCI.

Genysia Brown

Harshvardhan Rathore
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.” – Lily Tomlin


Hello! I’m Harshvardhan Rathore, but you can call me Harsh. As a freshman diving into the vibrant life at UCI, majoring in Computer Science, I’ve embraced every bit of this journey. Driven by a deep-rooted passion for student advocacy and a belief in the impactful role of representative governance, I’m stepping up to run for the At-Large Senator position within the ASUCI Senate. My time at UCI, enriched by a variety of experiences, has equipped me to stand up for our collective interests and push forward the causes that truly matter to us.


Recognizing the Senate’s crucial influence over both our academic journey and social fabric, I’m here to be more than just a senator. I’m here to be your voice, your advocate, and someone who tirelessly ensures every student, especially our international peers, transfer students, and my fellow freshmen, is heard and considered in every decision we make. Having walked in the shoes of an International Senator, I’ve already begun laying the groundwork on initiatives particularly designed for the international community at UCI, like enhancing advising for international freshmen, advocating for enrollment exceptions, and ensuring food security during breaks.


But my vision goes beyond just continuing these efforts. I envision a UCI where every student feels connected and engaged, where Senate meetings are not just formalities but platforms for real change, and where my office hours are a bridge, not a barrier, between you and the government meant to serve you.


For the upcoming year, I’m bubbling with ideas to further enrich our UCI experience:


  • Leading efforts to improve and communicate updates on class availability, aiming to facilitate a smoother academic experience for all students.
  • Advocating for a more inclusive UCI environment that acknowledges and celebrates the rich diversity of cultures within our university community.
  • Committing to unparalleled accessibility as a senator, ensuring I am available and responsive to addressing the concerns and needs of the student body.
  • Addressing the housing challenges at UCI with a proactive approach, seeking viable solutions to accommodate our students’ needs effectively.
  • Working in close collaboration with the International and First-Year senators to enhance the orientation and integration process for incoming freshmen, ensuring a welcoming and supportive transition into university life.
  • I will advocate for the creation of a comprehensive resource handbook that compiles all opportunities and resources available at UCI.
  • I will ensure transparency in every decision, providing detailed updates through campus-wide emails.

But my plans are flexible. They’re meant to grow, adapt, and evolve based on what you need because, at the end of the day, it’s about making sure each of your voices is heard and every concern is addressed.


I’m all into planning initiatives that breathe life into our campus, enhance student services, and ensure our collective voice shapes the budget and priorities of our community. Together, we can sculpt a UCI that’s not just a place we attend, but a community we’re proud to call home.


I stand before you, ready and eager to serve as your At-Large Senator. Your support in this election means embarking on a journey to a brighter, more inclusive future at UCI together. I promise to be the passionate, effective, and committed representative you deserve.


Let’s make our voices heard. Let’s make a difference together.

Priya Khetarpal

My name is Priya Khetarpal, and I am pleased to declare my intent to run for Senator representing the University of California, Irvine! I aspire to use my position as an active member of our community to support the interests and voices of each student on campus.

My vision centers on nurturing an environment that encourages your aspirations and assists you to thrive academically and beyond. With your support, I will work persistently to guarantee that our campus guidelines, initiates, and resources, align with this vision to help you reach your goals.

I am committed to addressing the urgent challenges confronting students today, especially financial accessibility. I will actively advocate for initiatives aimed at making education more attainable and economical, by ensuring the university’s budgeting is transparent, advocate for measures to address the high cost of living for students, and push greater funding for student services that directly benefit students.

I firmly believe in the power of student activism/ engagement in creating the change you hope to see. As your Senator, I will be an advocate for your concerns, ensuring they are addressed in all decision-making processes. I am committed to serving you with your best interest at heart and hope you consider my candidacy.

Zeid Hussain
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Dear fellow Anteaters,

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the Senator position at UCI. As a student-athlete, I understand the importance of teamwork and advocacy. I am dedicated to amplifying the voices of our student body and enhancing everyone’s experiences at this university.

I am committed to ensuring that all students feel heard and supported. With your support, I will aim to address issues that impact student life and advocate for positive change on campus.

Thank you for considering me for this important role.

Temitayo Akande
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

I am currently a freshman, with a major in Business Administration, aspiring to double major in Political Science. I am running to become an At-Large Senator at UCI with the hopes of being able to contribute and represent the students here at the school. I hope to represent a different voice within the school government as there are so few actual members of the senate. Within such a small group it’s important to encourage diversity so that the voices who aren’t heard can finally have their moment and I’m committed to being that voice.  I’m excited to contribute ideas and initiatives that the school government and take part in committees that aim to better UCI and the well-being of the students on campus.

Nasser Ssenyange
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Blessings to you all, fellow students,

My name is Nasser Ssenyange. I am thrilled to be running for the At Large Senator position and excited about the opportunity to serve our vibrant student community. As a candidate for the Senate position, I am committed to enhancing the student experience by advocating for increased funding and support for student organizations.

Student organizations play a crucial role in our campus life, providing opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and community engagement. However, many of these groups face challenges due to limited resources. If elected, I vow to work tirelessly to secure additional funding for student organizations, ensuring they have the resources needed to thrive and make a meaningful impact.

Furthermore, I recognize the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive campus environment for all students. That is why I am dedicated to advocating for clubs and organizations that serve marginalized students. These groups play a vital role in fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among underrepresented communities. I will actively support these clubs, amplify their voices, and work to ensure they have the resources and support they need to succeed.

Together, we can create a more vibrant, inclusive, and supportive campus community. I humbly ask for your support and your vote. Let’s work together to make a difference!


Nasser Ssenyange

Frank Granda

Hi, my name is Frank Granda, I am a third year political science and International Studies double major serving as an ASUCI At-Large Senator. In my time in ASUCI, I have learned about what it means to be a student leader fighting for interests, which is why I am running again for At-Large Senator to continue my mission of representing the interests of the student body.


Disability Justice: I kept my promise fighting for disability justice and representation here on campus during my past two terms in my role as At-Large Senator here in ASUCI. I pledge that if re-elected I will continue to do my advocacy work by continuing the ASUCI Disability Students Advocacy Committee with its main goal being to form an official UCI Disabled Student Union (DSU) as a major step towards greater reform. This will be a great opportunity to provide valuable hubs for providing advocacy and solidarity for disabled students on campus. I will continue to do my work not just at UC Irvine but also at the UC system to make sure that our campus will become a major innovator for disability justice. 


Racial Justice: As a Latino myself, I have spent my work advancing the interests of people of color both in ASUCI and on campus. I will continue my work advocating the representation for students of color within the UCI student body especially for Latino students because despite UC Irvine being an HSI (Hispanic Serving Institution), the interests for the Latino student population are mostly not placed into consideration by ASUCI and UCI administration. I will commit to ensuring greater representation for students of color such as working to increase outreach for minority groups to help increase cultural awareness on campus.


Sustainability: I will commit to making sure that UC Irvine is able to maintain its image as the face of sustainability for Orange County and beyond, I have worked in various environmental projects throughout my Senate term such as serving in the climate committee and passing legislation to promote sustainability on campus. It is within my duty to represent the interests of the student body to ensure that the project will never come to fruition on campus grounds. As a local youth climate activist, I deeply understand the importance of sustainability and if re-elected, I will pursue new opportunities to make our campus more sustainable such as expanding the Anteater Express, transitioning our main energy sources to more renewable options and working to encourage environmental action on campus grounds. That is my promise as your next At-Large Senator for the 2024-2025 school year. 


Student Labor: Student labor is an important issue to me, especially since the 2022 UC-wide Labor Strike. During the strike, I spent everyday at the picket line showing solidarity not just from ASUCI but for the entire undergraduate student body on campus. After the strike, I decided to get further involved in labor issues on campus as I became the Vice-Chair of the ASUCI Labor Committee last year where I worked on combating labor issues concerning the UCI student body on campus. If re-elected, I pledge to continue representing student labor interests on campus by promoting the interests of the undergraduate labor force. I pledge to continue my commitment for advocacy on student labor if re-elected for my next term. 


Student Housing: The housing crisis is a very severe issue on campus that needs to be dealt with immediately, as UCI administration has repeatedly ignored the interests of the student body. I have spent my time within student government combating UCI student housing inaccessibility by using my position to raise awareness of housing inequality on campus, and drafting legislation meant for ASUCI to show solidarity to this important issue. I pledge that in my next term I will use my position to continue advocating for student housing because I personally believe student housing should be considered a right rather than a privilege for all students on campus.


Outreach: Throughout my term, I have noticed the lack of disconnect between ASUCI and the wider student constituency on campus contributing to the perception of ASUCI as a dysfunctional mess rather than as a beacon of respect. This is why I have made an effort in my position to conduct personal outreach, to seek out as many groups as I can to hear their concerns and perspectives, in a search for solutions alongside calls for reform to incorporate into the system. That is why in my next term, I pledge to create a Google form where students and campus organizations can provide issues, complaints, and suggestions on how to better the campus as a small but viable solution needed to bridge the gap. 


Basic Needs: Basic Needs are a major issue on campus that is in great need to be addressed by the UCI Administration. Students across campus still have trouble when it comes to accessing valuable resources needed to ensure a decent standard of living such as food or housing, making their educational experience here on campus more difficult than it needs to be. I will push for greater advocacy when it comes to basic needs because I believe a decent standard of living should be granted to all Anteaters rather than a privilege. 


ASUCI Reform: Throughout my term, I spent much of my time there pushing to increase the engagement of ASUCI with the rest of the student body. I will continue my work through advocating for increased promotion of ASUCI events, promoting opportunities to get involved with ASUCI, and to increase ASUCI transparency to both ensure the flow of information and to combat misinformation. I will continue to advocate for student voices in ASUCI by promoting awareness on the various branches of ASUCI and showcasing new opportunities on how to get involved. I have worked on making sure that the ASUCI Bylaws are both accessible and understandable to the general student body here at UC Irvine through my work in the Bylaws Modernization Committee last year. If re-elected, I pledge to continue ensuring the continuation of increasing ASUCI Bylaws literacy across the student body


UCI Administration has shown themselves again to repeatedly ignore the interests of the student body and I have spent the entire of my term working to ensure representation for the UCI student body, especially for those coming from marginalized communities such as disabled students, and students of color. That is a commitment I am willing to advance and maintain for my term next year. 

Joshua Schuld
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Dear Fellow Anteaters,

My name is Joshua Schuld, and I am super excited to be running for the At-Large Senator position within ASUCI. As a third-year Business Major here at UC Irvine, my goal is to serve and improve our campus community. 

I was born in Irvine and I have not only grown up in this diverse and innovative city but have also come to understand the unique needs and perspectives of our local community. Additionally, as a student-athlete competing for our track and cross-country teams, I have gained invaluable skills in discipline, teamwork, and time management – qualities that I believe will greatly benefit my role as a senator.

One of my primary goals as an At-Large Senator is to ensure fair and equitable representation for every student on our campus. I am committed to amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups and advocating for policies that promote equity and equality across all facets of university life. Every student deserves to feel heard, valued, and supported, regardless of their background or identity.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to actively engaging with our student body to identify and address their most pressing needs. By having open communication lines and collaborating, I aim to create legislation that not only addresses current challenges but also paves the way for a more inclusive and positive campus community. Your concerns are my concerns, and I am fully committed to working on your behalf.

My candidacy is rooted in committing to serving our diverse student population and advancing the collective welfare of our university. I believe that together, we can create a campus environment that is truly reflective of our shared values and aspirations.

Thank you,

Joshua Schuld


Alondra Arevalo
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

I’m running for At-Large Senator to make a difference in the UC Irvine community! Previously, I’ve been a staffer for the ASUCI EVP office when I was a first year, and I served as an At-Large Senator fall quarter 2023, before stepping down to complete my study abroad program; it would be a privilege to be able to serve on Senate again! On Senate, I wrote legislations to help others be involved in ASUCI, I was vice-chair on the Senate Arts-Funding board, and I served on the Senate Rules Committee. If I am re-elected, I would love to continue where I left off and do more for the UCI community, such as continuing to be an advocate for students, and making sure that our budget is effectively funding student life and needs.

Arts Senator

Elijah Waller
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hi everyone, my name is Elijah Waller and I’m running to be your Claire Trevor School of The Arts Senator. I am a first-year Drama and Political Science major. I have been involved in student government since the 5th grade. I have gone on to serve as Junior Class President and a variety of other committee chairs/elected positions. As your CTSA Senator, I will fight to make sure we can share the arts not just within the arts school but throughout the campus. I make sure that voices will be heard, so as a school, as a supporter of the arts, or even just a spectator, I will do what I can do what is best for you. I want to hear what you want to be done. As a Senator, I will represent the student body. I want to be able to make the arts more accessible and provide more opportunities for students to be involved in the arts. Thank you for reading! Vote Elijah Waller for The CTSA Senator.

Biological Science Senator

Siddharth Karthikeya
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

My name is Siddharth Karthikeya and I’m a Biological Sciences major running to be your senator for the School of Biological Sciences. As your senator, I will prioritize improving academics, research, and student support throughout the school of Bio Sci. I plan to expand offline resource content and availability for student career guidance, increase counseling initiatives and availability for student support, and promote undergraduate engagement through weekly events with faculty from the School of Bio Sci. Considering I have prior experience in ASUCI as an intern in four commissions under three separate branches of government, I have a wealth of leadership experience, particularly within ASUCI. I plan to put this experience to good use as a senator and would be honored to represent you all if elected.

Yasmeen El Jack
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello everyone! My name is Yasmeen El Jack and I am thrilled to run for the position of Biological Sciences Senator at ASUCI. With a strong dedication to student advocacy serving in the ISAG office this past academic year, and a passion for fostering a supportive academic environment, I am eager to represent the diverse voices and needs of our vibrant Biological Sciences community.  If elected to be senator, I will work to foster connections between students, faculty, and staff within the school of Biological Sciences, promote networking opportunities, and support initiatives that enhance the sense of belonging and camaraderie within our community. I believe in the power of collaboration and community building so together, let us strive to create an environment that is inclusive, supportive, and empowering for all students!

Business Senator

Sudaay Chaloo
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Greetings, fellow Anteaters,

I am Sudaay Chaloo, a first-year Business Administration major and your current Business Senator for the 2023-24 academic year. In the brief time I’ve held this position, I’ve dedicated myself to understanding how ASUCI conducts its business and familiarizing myself with all governing documents binding the Senate. Recently, I authored my first legislation and began reaching out to various clubs and organizations at The Paul Merage School of Business to grasp their needs and effectively represent them.

To all Business Majors reading this statement, I hold office hours every Friday from 4-5 pm. Feel free to reach out regarding any school-related issues or otherwise. Lately, I’ve encountered experiences indicating severe underrepresentation of certain groups on campus. I am committed to rectifying this through the powers vested in me. Upon my appointment, I pledged to diligently work towards enhancing student life at UCI. With your support, I aim to continue pursuing this goal next year and beyond. Zot Zot.

Education Senator

Dee Statum
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Fellow Anteaters,

I declare that our humanity is bound up in one another’s. We all have realized that ASUCI is untrustworthy, and I completely understand. Sitting on our student Senate has made me question the true intentions of those who claim to be “representatives” of the student body. However, how can change be made when there is no one STEPPING UP and QUESTIONING the functioning of our Association? That’s what I am here for. My name is Dee Statum, and I am your candidate for Education Senator! I am currently the Education Senator and Vice Chair of the Advocacy Committee for ASUCI Senate. I also serve as the Financial Chair of UMOJA Community Organization, and I am the newly appointed Event Coordinator for the East African Student Association (EASA). I also have the distinct pleasure of working with a UCI staff member on her doctoral dissertation that addresses the experiences of living as a Black woman authentically in higher education.

I am linking a google doc that shares my goals and visions for this position. Please take a look at what we can accomplish if we work together to hold ASUCI and UCI administrators accountable for the harm they have caused students:

Our welfare is at stake. We need something different than what we’ve been constantly given. Dee has the dream, so let’s all make this a reality!

I want to hear your input. I want you to know that you are valuable to this campus and to ASUCI. Please email me at if you need any support or anything else you may require. We are stronger in numbers, so join the count. I am always fighting with you and for you.

Dee Statum (he, they)
Candidate for Education Senator

Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine (ASUCI)

Engineering Senator

Ethan Reynaga
Slate: Anteater Egalitarians

My name is Ethan Reynaga. I am currently one of the Engineering Senators in ASUCI. I have learned how the Senate functions and have used my Senate privileges to bring awareness to the engineering community. My main goal this upcoming school year is to reallocate funds to the engineering school for new oscilloscopes and equipment within the engineering labs in the Engineering Tower. You can count on me to make logical decisions while voting on legislations and to prioritize God in the process.

Dev Goel

Dear Dedicated Students and Engineers,

It is with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of responsibility that I announce my candidacy for the position of Engineering Senator. As an international freshman majoring in Computer Engineering, I share the journey of adaptation and growth that characterizes our collective experience in this challenging and rewarding field. My passion for Computer Engineering has been a guiding light, leading me to seek out opportunities that not only advance my technical skills but also align with my core personal and ethical values of integrity, collaboration, and innovation.

Throughout my academic endeavors, I have committed myself to initiatives that enhance both my understanding of our discipline and my capacity to lead with empathy and foresight. Leading project teams in our capstone design course and organizing coding workshops for peers, I have seen firsthand the power of community and the importance of ethical leadership in technology. These experiences have equipped me to serve as your voice and advocate, with a platform centered on three key pillars: enhancing industry engagement, expanding research opportunities, and fostering a supportive community.

Enhancing Industry Engagement: I am determined to leverage our school’s strategic partnerships to widen access to internships and co-op programs specifically tailored for Computer Engineering students. Through organizing tech talks, career workshops, and networking events with industry leaders, I aim to build bridges between our academic studies and the professional world, grounded in ethical practices and mutual respect.

Expanding Research Opportunities: Recognizing the vital role of research in advancing our field and contributing to societal progress, I will work closely with faculty to create additional undergraduate research positions. This initiative is not just about gaining hands-on experience; it’s about pushing the boundaries of technology in ways that are responsible and beneficial to society at large.

Fostering a Supportive Community: The essence of my campaign is the belief in a community where every member supports one another, celebrating diversity and fostering inclusivity. I propose the creation of peer mentorship programs and study groups that not only aid our academic pursuits but also cultivate an environment where ethical considerations are at the forefront of our collaborative efforts. Additionally, advocating for mental health resources that address the unique pressures of engineering students is a priority, emphasizing the importance of well-being in our professional and personal development.

As a member of our vibrant community, I bring a perspective that is enriched by the challenges and opportunities of being an international student in the field of Computer Engineering. My technical background, leadership experiences, and commitment to personal and ethical values position me to effectively represent our interests and lead initiatives that will benefit our academic and professional futures.

I am dedicated to listening to your ideas, advocating for your needs, and tirelessly working towards solutions that will benefit our community as a whole. Together, we can enhance the sense of belonging and support within the Henry Samueli School of Engineering, ensuring that each student has the resources and encouragement needed to thrive.

I’m honored to have the chance to serve as your Engineering Senator, and with your support, we can forge a future for our Computer Engineering community that’s both innovative and ethically sound. Thank you for considering my candidacy; I eagerly anticipate joining forces with you to build a more interconnected and ethically aware community.

Dev Goel

Humanities Senator

Natalie Ringdahl
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello Anteaters!

My name is Natalie Ringdahl and I am an honors student double majoring in Philosophy and Political Science, and minoring in Chinese studies. Throughout my time here at UCI, I have had the honor to compete with our nationally-ranked Mock Trial Team, edit for our undergraduate Philosophy Journal (Falsafa), and write for our student run newspaper (New University). 

Beyond my academic pursuits, I’ve been deeply engaged in campus life, contributing to various student organizations and activities. As the former president of the club lacrosse team, I’ve honed my leadership skills by fostering teamwork, organizing events, and representing our team within the university community. Additionally, my experience as a tutor for the UCI Writing Center has provided me with valuable insights into the academic needs of my peers, empowering me to represent students regardless of their academic background or discipline.

Furthermore, I’ve had the privilege of conducting research sponsored by the Humanities department, delving into the dangers of modern technology from a philosophical standpoint. This experience not only deepened my understanding and appreciation for interdisciplinary work within the humanities, but also allowed me to represent UCI at the 2023 Johns Hopkins Humanities Richard Macksey Undergraduate Symposium where I presented my findings. Serving as an ambassador for our university in an academic setting has reinforced my commitment to excellence and advocacy for the UCI Humanities community.

I believe that my diverse background in both academic and extracurricular endeavors has equipped me with the skills and perspective needed to effectively represent the UCI Humanities department as a Senator. I am committed to advocating for the interests and concerns of my fellow students and friends, promoting diversity and inclusion, and working collaboratively to enhance the overall anteater experience at UCI. 


Wishing you many zots, 


Natalie Ringdahl :)

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email me at

Claire Moylan
Slate: Anteater Egalitarians

Hello! My name is Claire, and I am a third year History major with a minor in Classical Civilization and a minor in Psychological Science. I switched into the School of Humanities as a second year, so I understand the school’s policies and what kinds of opportunities are available to humanities students. With the knowledge I have gained over the course of my degree, I look forward to representing and advocating for the needs and wants of humanities students in student government.

Mia Roddy
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Hello fellow Anteaters, my name is Mia Roddy and I am your candidate for Humanities Senator! I am a current third year African American Studies and Psychology double major, an intersection that reflects my commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion within higher education and at large, the whole world. I also serve as the Outreach and Retention Chair for the UMOJA Community Organization, in tandem with my role as the Umoja Peer Mentor at the Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Center. Similarly, I have conducted research on the impact that the university environment has on the well-being of Black college students.

I am committed to serving the undergraduate community here at UC Irvine, with dedication, integrity, and a genuine desire to  positively impact the university environment. As an undergraduate student myself, I deeply understand the needs and desires of my community, and I am passionate about addressing these issues in an effective and efficient manner.

My background and experience makes me an ideal candidate for the position of Humanities Senator. Driven by the credence to address educational disparities perpetuated by higher education, I am a firm believer that education should be a human right, and thus free for everyone regardless of gender/sexual identity, racial/ethnic background, and social class.

I want to see wide-scale changes within the current university environment. We live in a time where this institution claims to care about its students, faculty, and staff, yet has struggled to pay its students, teaching assistants, postdocs, and academic researchers livable wages. This institution claims to be committed to “excellence, equity, and accessibility,” yet bombards students with unreasonable fees associated with tuition, housing, and academic curriculum, forcing many students to take out loans or work multiple minimum wage jobs to support themselves. This institution prides itself on its commitments, yet over-admits students every year, creating a perpetual housing crisis that is neither adequate nor sufficient to house the thousands of students in attendance. The list goes on. How can UCI preach about “excellence, equity, and accessibility” when it continues to perpetuate inequalities that prey on the downfall of those that are marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented? It is sad that we buy into these empty promises while students struggle to pay rent and tuition, coupled with annual fees that funnel into the pockets of a university administration that consistently neglects the welfare of its students. Once we make the necessary changes here, we can begin to reap the benefits of  a well-rounded institution that actually prioritizes the social, emotional, academic, and financial needs of this community. The work that is done here paves the way for institutional-level changes that address inequalities within broader society.

Visit this link to a more detailed breakdown of the changes I would like to implement for the next school year: 

I urge you to stand with me in our relentless pursuit of a university that is truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive. This crucial work begins with each of us, advocating passionately for the needs of every student group. Together, we form a powerful collective, supporting and inspiring one another through the challenges we face.

As a unified force, we must harness the power of legislation to drive meaningful change. Writing legislation as students empowers us to enact tangible policies that address systemic inequities and uplift marginalized voices. It’s through our collective advocacy and legislative action that we can effect real transformation within our university community. Furthermore, let us not underestimate the impact of our voices raised in protest. Student protests have historically been catalysts for transformative change, challenging the status quo and demanding accountability from those in positions of authority. Let us stand in solidarity, amplifying our voices to demand justice, equality, and respect for all members of our university community.

Join me in this pivotal moment as we advocate for a campus where every student is valued, respected, and given the opportunity to thrive. Together, let’s be the catalysts for change and champions of a brighter, more inclusive future for all. Thank you.

With Love,

Mia Roddy (she, her)

Candidate for Humanities Senator

Information and Computer Science Senator

Chidera Okoroama
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Dear Fellow Students,

My name is Chidera Okoroama, and I am running for the position of Information and Computer Science Senator with the Associated Students of UC Irvine (ASUCI) for the 2024-2025 school year. As a passionate advocate for the technological empowerment and academic enrichment of our student body, I am committed to representing our diverse interests and fostering an environment where innovation and collaboration thrive.

Why I’m Running:

– To Bridge the Gap: Technology is rapidly evolving, and it’s crucial that our curriculum, resources, and opportunities keep pace. I aim to bridge the gap between current industry standards and our academic offerings, ensuring that we, as students, are well-prepared for the future.

– To Amplify Your Voice: Each student’s perspective is unique and invaluable. I intend to actively seek out and amplify your voices, ensuring that your ideas, concerns, and aspirations are heard and addressed at the university and state levels.

– To Enhance Collaboration: By fostering stronger partnerships between students, faculty, and industry professionals, we can create more opportunities for mentorship, internships, and collaborative projects, enriching our educational experience.

My Goals:

– Curriculum Innovation: Advocate for the inclusion of cutting-edge courses and technologies in our syllabus, preparing us for the demands of the future job market.

– Resource Accessibility: Work towards improving access to essential resources such as software, development tools, and lab spaces, ensuring all students have what they need to succeed.

– Community Engagement: Organize events and workshops that not only enhance our academic skills but also build a stronger, more connected information and computer science community.

Experience and Skills:

– Active member of ICS club, where I’ve led events for students and workshops, demonstrating my leadership and commitment to our community.
– Strong technical background, with hands-on experience in Python and sql, enabling me to understand and advocate for our specific needs.
– Proven track record of collaboration and effective communication, crucial skills for bridging the gap between students and administration.

In closing, I am eager to bring my passion, experience, and dedication to the ASUCI Senate. Together, we can navigate the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities that lie before us, crafting a future that reflects our collective ambition and potential.

Let’s innovate, collaborate, and elevate our academic journey. Vote Chidera Okoroama for Information and Computer Science Senator.

Chidera Okoroama

Arnav Nigam
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Dear Anteaters,

It is with great enthusiasm and a profound sense of purpose that I, Arnav Nigam, present my candidacy for the role of ICS Senator in the forthcoming ASUCI Elections. My journey at UCI has been one of growth, learning, and an ever-deepening appreciation for the diverse and dynamic community that we are all a part of. Today, I stand before you ready to take on the mantle of leadership and service, driven by a vision to enhance the academic and social fabric of our ICS School.

My Commitment to Communication and Representation

In my two years at UCI, I have observed a pressing need for increased awareness and utilization of the ICS Senator’s role. It is my mission to transform this position into a beacon of advocacy and support, ensuring that students’ voices are heard and their concerns are addressed. By establishing a regular open forum and leveraging digital platforms, I aim to create a seamless channel for dialogue between the student body and myself.

Despite the existing lines of communication between the senate and administration, there is a noticeable disconnect with the student body. My involvement in prominent ICS clubs provides me with a unique opportunity to speak directly with students and to serve as a liaison with the administration. I aim to be a readily accessible point of contact, ensuring that students have a direct channel through which their concerns can be communicated to the administration.

Bridging the Gap: My Drive for Student Engagement

As someone who has experienced the challenges of having my voice heard, I understand the importance of active representation. Despite being aware of the ICS Senator’s role, I found it difficult to navigate the system and have my concerns addressed. This experience has fueled my resolve to ensure that students do not feel unheard or overlooked. I pledge to be an active, engaged member of the Senate, dedicated to amplifying your voices and ensuring our collective concerns are not just heard, but acted upon.

I am dedicated to increasing the overall engagement of the student body with ASUCI. By fostering a culture of open communication, I will work tirelessly to ensure that students feel empowered to share their concerns and ideas with their representatives.

Experience and Qualifications

My experience within ASUCI, serving as the Student Financial Officer and Chief Accountability Officer under the SAG, has provided me with a deep understanding of our organization’s inner workings. This knowledge is crucial for navigating the complexities of student governance and for advocating effectively on behalf of our peers. I am well-versed in the procedures and policies that guide our student government, and I am prepared to use this expertise to benefit the ICS community.

Strengthening Student-Faculty Relations

A key objective of my tenure will be to cultivate a robust relationship between ICS students and our esteemed faculty and administration. I believe that fostering a collaborative environment is essential for academic innovation and for addressing the unique challenges that arise within our field. Through regular meetings and collaborative projects, we can build a partnership that supports academic excellence and prepares us for the future.

Addressing International Student Concerns

As an international student hailing from a System of Education (CBSE) not as widely recognized as APs, A-levels, or IB, I have personally navigated the challenges of integrating into the academic system at UCI. This experience has made me acutely aware of the discrepancies in unit assignments that can disadvantage students like myself. My commitment is to champion the recognition of a broader range of international qualifications, advocating for equitable treatment in academic progression and enrollment opportunities. It is my aim to ensure that students, irrespective of their educational background, are given a fair chance to excel at UCI.

Addressing the Collective Challenges of ICS Students

In addition to advocating for international students, I recognize that all ICS students face a unique set of challenges. From navigating the complexities of new technologies to balancing rigorous coursework with personal well-being, the path of an ICS student is both intellectually demanding and personally challenging.

I aim to listen attentively to the diverse experiences within our community, seeking to understand and address the common hurdles we face. Whether it’s enhancing access to cutting-edge resources, streamlining communication channels with faculty, or supporting mental health initiatives, my goal is to foster an environment where every ICS student can thrive.

Together, we can create a supportive framework that not only addresses our immediate academic needs but also prepares us for the evolving landscape of the tech industry. Let’s collaborate to build a resilient and vibrant ICS community, equipped to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Giving Back to Our Community

UCI has given me a sense of belonging and purpose, and I am eager to give back to this community that has become so dear to me. I am committed to serving as a champion for student interests and as a catalyst for positive change within the ICS School and beyond.

Additional Initiatives

  • Curriculum Development: Collaborate with faculty to review and update the ICS curriculum, ensuring it remains cutting-edge and aligned with industry trends.
  • Research Opportunities: Advocate for increased research opportunities for undergraduates, facilitating hands-on experience and academic exploration.
  • Mental Health Resources: Work towards increasing awareness of mental health resources and support systems among ICS students.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Champion diversity and inclusion initiatives within the ICS department to foster a welcoming and supportive environment for all students.

I am here to listen, to represent, and to act. Your concerns are my priorities, and your aspirations are the blueprints for our collective action. Together, we can shape an ICS department that is not only academically distinguished but also deeply connected and responsive to its students.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to embark on this journey with your support and to work diligently towards a brighter future for all of us.

cout << “Zot Zot Zot!” << endl;

With sincerity and dedication,

Arnav Nigam

Pragya Jhunjhunwala
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello, fellow Anteaters!

My name is Pragya Jhunjhunwala (she/her), and I am thrilled and honored to be running to be your next Information and Computer Science Senator. I am a second-year Computer Science major.

Previously at ASUCI, I was a Chief Accountability Intern under the Student Advocate General Office. This experience has provided me with valuable insights into the workings of ASUCI. This role involved conducting thorough reviews to maintain the integrity of the staff, which in turn has equipped me with a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations of a senator.

As an aspiring ICS Senator, I stand before you with a commitment to bridging the gap between our student body and the faculty and administration, ensuring that every voice is heard, valued, and acted upon. My campaign is built upon making ICS students aware they have a representative to turn to who is a vital advocate for our student body, effectively navigating any complexities between student interests and administrative regulations, and creating resources that assist in enhancing internship and job searches and opportunities geared more towards the ICS undergraduate body. 

I have a background in education and tutoring, where I have had personal engagement with fellow students. This has equipped me with the perspective to look through the faculty and student viewpoints. This dual insight will help facilitate meaningful compromises and enhance educational experiences. I believe that students know the best way to learn, and therefore their voice is of great importance. Implementing this feedback will not only help learning methods and the quality of education for ICS students but also improve the school as a whole. Through my previous personal experiences, I have felt the lack of a medium of communication with faculty and administration. I aim to solve this by being available to my fellow peers whenever required as an approachable advocate.

In addition to my outlined goals, I am passionate about organizing more ICS-wide events that focus on professional development, networking, and job search strategies. Having trouble looking for internships and jobs seems to be a common experience for ICS students. In collaboration with the school’s administration, I would like to identify the exact issues students face in this field and find solutions for them, from providing resources and programs to hone soft skills to better networking opportunities.

Combining my goals for the ICS school with the vision of ASUCI’s Senate, I would be honored to be your ICS Senator. Thank you for placing your trust in me and I hope to get your vote. 

Zot Zot Zot!

With dedication, 

Pragya Jhunjhunwala

Nursing Science Senator

Olivia Liuson
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am a third year Nursing Major. I want to run for Nursing Science Senator to be a voice for students and advocate for beneficial change within UCI.

As a board member of Alpha Tau Delta, UCI’s only nursing fraternity, and as one of the student representatives for my nursing cohort, I am confident in my ability to connect with nursing students and advocate for their concerns. In my time as student representative, I worked with fellow students, the Assistant Dean, and the Director of Student Affairs to discuss a student petition for a fridge due to the lack of affordable and inclusive options near the College of Health Sciences. This meeting ultimately led administration to agree to provide a fridge in the nursing lounge and publicize common areas available for food preparation and storage. If given this position, I will continue to listen to and prioritize student ideas. 

Notably, my status as a third year nursing major gives me valuable insight into the nursing student experience, from coursework to clinical hours. This context will inform my ideas for change within the nursing program and spark fruitful discussions when meeting with Dean Lazenby. My participation in research with Dr. Holman on racism and discrimination in the nursing field also lends me a valuable perspective on issues of diversity and equity. In addition, I have confidence managing projects and working with people of all ages and backgrounds from my experience working in different organizations. I make an effort to foster a welcoming and supporting environment that values all opinions in any space that I am a part of. I will continue to exemplify these values and provide quality work if chosen to be Senator. 

Finally, I will make sure to focus on issues that directly affect the student body. In particular, I will make an effort to provide financial support for students, due to the many costs of the nursing program (from scrubs, to test prep and parking). I will additionally continue to empathize with and advocate for student concerns.

Overall, I believe that I would be a great Nursing Senator because of my connection to the student body, relevant skills, and first-hand student experience. Thank you for your consideration!

Pharmaceutical Science Senator

There are currently no candidates for this position.

Physical Science Senator

Jacob Bustamante

Hello fellow Anteaters,

I am Jacob Bustamante, and I am pleased to declare my candidacy for the Physical Sciences Senator position! As a third year Mathematics major here at UC Irvine, I have come to understand the value in serving our great community and wish to cast my name on the ballot and run for this great position!

I have come to learn the value and responsibility ASUCI has to the UC Irvine campus, ranging from coordinating student-ran events to advocating for the needs of our student body. As such I understand the duties of the ASUCI Senate position, including accountability, work ethic, and making an effort to perpetuate a legacy of support and love for the community, all skills I’ve honed as a member of the UC Irvine track and field team.

In the Senate position, I pledge to open lanes of dialogue and support for any and all of my fellow Eaters. The concerns of the student body are the concerns of the Senate, and as such it is my imperative to build initiatives to address and educate the masses on the issues that affect our community.

It is not only my goal to oversee valuable changes in our great community for our Anteaters, but deepening my understanding of the student life and the diverse needs and challenges we face. I am fully prepared for this opportunity to make a change in our community and advocate for every student as my own.

I humbly ask for your support and vote in the upcoming election. Thank you for your consideration.

Jacob Bustamante

Public Health Senator

Makena Castillo

Hi there Anteaters!

My name is Makena Castillo and I am excited to declare my candidacy for the Public Health Senator Position! I am currently a third year double majoring in Public Health Policy and Biological Sciences with the hope of specializing in Biochemistry this Spring. As a Public Health Science major, I have come to understand the value in multidisciplinary approaches to community health, policy and management, and emerging challenges. I hope to translate these core concepts into the roles required of the student body in order to create effective change.

A few things about me! 

I work as a Patient Experience Volunteer in the Emergency Department at Children’s Health OC and hope to further pursue research in pediatrics this summer. My goals include promoting student health, wellness, and being a bigger voice to advocate for the wellbeing of my peers. And as a dedicated member of the UCI Women’s Cross Country and Track and Field teams, I hope to bring with me a strong sense of spirit, balance, diligent work ethic, and a friendly face to what ASUCI has to offer.

With 3 years of experience and involvement in UC Irvine’s campus life, I feel comfortable in a team environment, have great organizational skills, and overall am known to be a bright, friendly presence with lots of new ideas to bring to the table. From the position of the Senate, I aim to create fluid communication, promote inclusivity, and bridge the gap between the student body and the students themselves. 

I am fully prepared to take on the responsibilities of an ASUCI senate member and I ask for your consideration and support in this upcoming election.

Nicole Lang
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Hello Public Health Anteaters!

I am Nicole Lang, a second year studying Public Health Policy and minoring in Health Informatics. Throughout my past two years at UCI, I have been a part of ASUCI in the Student Services branch as a campus spirit intern. With this experience I learned about the interworkings of ASUCI, however, I want to continue to grow and represent the student body on a more influential level. As the Public Health Senator, I want to represent our school in and out of the academic senate. As a smaller campus program, I feel we may be overlooked beyond our many strengths in our program.

If elected, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of Public Health students are heard and respected. I will strive to enhance the resources available to students, facilitate meaningful dialogue between faculty and students, and promote initiatives prioritizing mental and physical well-being on campus. I hope you consider me as your vote!


Social Ecology Senator

Sophia Hobby
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Dear UCI Community,

I’m Sophia Hobby, and it’s with a heart full of passion and a commitment to our collective well-being that I declare my candidacy for Social Ecology Senator. My time at UCI, studying Psychological Sciences and Criminology, has been a journey of learning, growth, and, most importantly, community engagement. The moments spent with you—my fellow peers—and our shared experiences inspire me to enter this role. I aim to create a more inclusive, supportive, and empowered campus for us all.

Why Me? Your Community Advocate

  • Empowering Voices: In every role, from supporting children with developmental disabilities as a Certified Behavior Technician to assisting families as a Caregiver with Orange County In-Home Supportive Services, I’ve focused on uplifting and empowering those around me. I bring this dedication to our UCI community to ensure every voice is heard and valued. My plan to empower the student body includes enhancing inclusivity through cultural events and diversity celebrations, introducing mentorship programs for personal and professional growth, and creating student-led councils for participative decision-making. Additionally, I aim to integrate peer support networks that offer emotional and academic assistance, fostering a more connected and supportive campus atmosphere. These initiatives are designed to create a sense of belonging and equip students with leadership skills and opportunities for active engagement in shaping a positive community.
  • Building Bridges: Drawing from my experience as a Peer Consultant at the UCI Social Science Academic Resource Center, where I’ve significantly contributed to student success through personalized advice and resources, I am deeply committed to fostering a supportive and empowering campus environment. My vision involves bridging access gaps and inspiring every student to reach their full potential. By expanding peer support networks and enhancing mentorship for development, we’ll cultivate a vibrant, inclusive community. Together, we’ll create a space where every student feels valued, heard, and equipped to thrive.
  • Leadership with Empathy: Leading with empathy and inclusivity has been my motto, whether as a competitor and leader in the UCI Mock Trial team or through my legal and research experiences. My leadership style is about bringing us together, celebrating our diversity, and tackling challenges as a united front.
  • Community First: My candidacy centers on the belief that together, we achieve greatness. It’s about solving problems and creating an environment where every student feels recognized, supported, and empowered to excel. My approach includes cultivating leadership and community engagement by involving students in decision-making through student-led councils. Together, we’ll foster a culture of inspiration and collective success.

My Vision for UCI

  • Inclusive Excellence: Championing initiatives that celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive campus culture is at the heart of my candidacy, ensuring everyone feels at home at UCI. Building on this foundation, I plan to introduce programs that promote mental health awareness and create safe spaces for open dialogue and support. Recognizing the importance of physical well-being alongside mental health, I will also advocate for enhanced wellness programs. These efforts, combined with ongoing support for academic and personal growth, aim to make UCI a place of learning and a welcoming community where every student can find their niche, express themselves freely, and thrive both personally and academically.
  • Empowered Student Body: Creating platforms for students to voice their concerns, share their ideas, and actively participate in shaping the policies that affect us all is a cornerstone of my vision for UCI. By establishing these platforms, we’re not just opening up lines of communication; we’re building a vibrant, democratic space where every student’s opinion is valued and can make a real difference. It’s about empowering each student to take an active role in the direction of our university, ensuring that our journey forward is guided by the diverse voices and unique perspectives that make UCI special. Together, we will create a more inclusive, responsive, and student-centered university.

With your support, we can build a UCI community that stands strong together, embraces our differences, and works hand-in-hand toward a brighter future. Let’s empower each other and transform our shared vision into reality.

Your vote means a community that cares, connects, and champions each other. Let’s make it happen together.

Sophia Hobby
Candidate for UCI Social Ecology Senator

Rachel Hillman
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

Greetings to my fellow students!

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the 2024-2025 ASUCI Social Ecology Senator! My name is Rachel Hillman and I am a Criminology, Law and Society major and a Sociology minor. I have been involved in ASUCI for two years and this year I serve as the Racial Justice Now Coordinator for the External Vice Presidents’ Office. Within the office I work closely with the University of California Student Association to advocate for underrepresented students on our campus and within the UC system. Throughout this year, my commission has worked on UCSA campaign goals, such as the Racial Justice Now goal which is to have the UC Regents establish a permanent endowment fund for Black student recruitment and retention efforts.

As a Social Ecology senator, I will work to ensure that all students’ voices are heard and treated with importance when it comes to decisions across campus. As the school of Social Ecology is a newer school on campus I plan to use my experiences within the school to ensure that students feel supported with their academic and professional goals.

As a Social Ecology senator, I will work on improving and expanding students access to school programs as well as ensuring the affordability and inclusivity of these programs for o students. I intended on doing this through advocating for accessible field study programs as well as multiple programs to help foster the community within our school and increase our outreach to as many students as possible.

I am committed to ensuring that the voices of our students are heard, encouraged, respected and acted upon in our school and all conversations. Join me as we begin to build a better school of Social Ecology.


Rachel Hillman

Social Sciences Senator

Matt Lee
Slate: Anteater Egalitarians

Hello my name is Matt Lee! I’m a first year from Aurora, Colorado. I am running for the Social Science Senator position. In my free time I enjoy hiking, running swimming, and reading. As a son of two first generation Korean Immigrants, I feel I’d be a great representative for the sizable Korean and East Asian population of Irvine.

One of my main guiding beliefs is that if one wishes to enact positive change they must do such through their own actions.  This is why I believe running as a senator is a great opportunity as it allows for one to be a representative for their own peers as well as advocating for issues that truly matter to everyone, in a community of like minded individuals.

I have had an excellent record of leadership and service experience in the past. Whether it be my time as secretary in student government of my high school, serving in my local reconstructive youth court, or being a co-captain of my cross country team. These collective experiences have taught me valuable lessons in how to be an excellent representative, as well as showing me how we can strive for a world of equity and cooperation in a world that is increasingly diverse and unique.

Emily Sosa-Hernández
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

To my fellow students,

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the 2024-2025 ASUCI Social Sciences Senator!

My name is Emily Sosa-Hernández and I am an International Studies and Political Science major, and a Chinese Language and Literature minor. Within ASUCI, I serve as the Internal Organizing Aide for the External Vice President’s office. There, I work with the international organizing commission to advocate for our students on campus and locally. Throughout this year, my commission has had 2 full voter registration weeks and Voter Palooza on the day of the Primary Presidential Election, as well as fought for workers’ rights.

As a Social Sciences senator, I will fight to ensure that student’s voices are heard. As the largest school on campus, our students need people to fight for them not only in ASUCI, but also within the school of Social Sciences itself. Academically, as both an International Studies major and a Political Science major, I have spent a lot of time within the school of social sciences. I have learned what works and doesn’t work, and I am ready to work with my fellow students to push for change.

Outside of ASUCI, I work at the UCI Law School’s Saturday Academy of Law, making the legal field more accessible to high school students. I also work at the UCI Division of Continuing Education, where I get to bring everything I love about UCI to the students here to study abroad. Both of these experiences allow me to reflect on everything great that UCI does, and where it falls short.

As a Social Sciences senator, I will work on improving students’ experiences within Social Sciences. I will work on making research and lab opportunities more accessible to students through making it easier to find all the wonderful opportunities. I will also work on easing financial burden on students by making it easier to find scholarships or paid internships specifically relevant to this school.

I promise to represent student’s voices heard in conversations both within ASUCI and the School of Social Sciences, and to fight for accessibility and equity for our students. Let’s work together to make our school even better.


Emily Sosa-Hernández

Vicente Zamora

Athena Stepanian

Hello! My name is Athena and I am a Junior majoring in Political Science. In an effort to further represent the interests of all students, I want to become more involved at school and run for Senate. Because of my educational pursuits and ongoing involvement in a variety of extracurricular activities, I believe I am an adequate candidate. In the event that I am elected, my main goal will be to collaborate with the administration, educators, and students in order to build a welcoming atmosphere for all learners. I humbly request your support as I am excited to offer my passion, experience, and perspective to the School Senate! Thank you so much!

Jared Castaneda
Slate: Anteater Equity Collective

To my fellow peers,

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the 2024-2025 ASUCI Social Science Senator! My name is Jared Castaneda and I am a second-year Political Science major. I have had the privilege to be involved in ASUCI for two years, advocating for my peers both on and off campus through the Office of the External Vice President. As a Government Relations staffer my first year, I began to learn how to advocate for students and set a foundation for championing students rights. Throughout my second year, I have taken part in multiple advocacy avenues not only through ASUCI, but through different student organizations as well. As the Government Relations Aide, I”m currently prioritizing sending students and being part of state and federal lobbying efforts in an effort to champion student accessibility and expand financial aid recipients.

As a Social Sciences Senator, my priority will be to advocate for underrepresented voices and bridge ASUCI and the student body, fighting to increase transparency and accessibility. I aspire to develop meaningful relationships that include students and acknowledge student voices in the decision making process. As I’m highly involved in student organizations, I hope to continue fostering connections and will commit to ensure that students can recognize our priorities and can have an active voice in shaping decisions that will uplift our community – the decisions that ultimately affect us as a student body. Aside from ASUCI, I am also a Policy Development Assistant under the Office of Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, working to integrate social justice into our curriculum and realizing a more inclusive campus environment.

Ranging from pre-law organizations to student advocacy organizations, I aspire to use these experiences to engage in active conversations and effectively address student concerns. Outside of campus, I have interned for the State Assembly, working with constituents to bridge the gap between citizens and resources and working to address the needs of the citizens of the 58th district. As a Social Science Senator, I will work tirelessly to make sure we expand access to student programs, affordability, and resources so students can feel adequately supported, respected, and valued.

Thank you for considering me for the School of Social Sciences Senator. With your vote, I hope to collaborate with students and work to build a more inclusive and vibrant campus.


Jared Castaneda

Special Interest Transfer Senator

Seif Eltarshoubi

My name is Seif Eltarshoubi. I am a third-year Biological Sciences major, pursuing a future in medicine. I am a transfer, international student who is deeply committed to representing the needs and concerns of my fellow transfer students. As an Egyptian transfer student, I bring a unique perspective to the table as I am more capable of relating to all transfer students, both international and non-international. My 3-year tenure at Orange Coast College enables me to deeply relate to and effectively aid students through the myriad of trials and tribulations that all transfer students such as myself face, enriching their journey with the insights gained from my own experiences. With a responsibility to approve budgets, legislation, and constitutional amendments, I recognize the pivotal role this position plays in shaping the student experience. Through regular meetings and weekly office hours, I aim to establish an open channel of communication, ensuring that the voices of transfer students are heard and their issues addressed effectively. I am dedicated to advocating for policies that promote inclusivity, accessibility, and support for transfer students, and all students as a matter of fact, thereby fostering a more vibrant and equitable campus community.

Rochelle Duran
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

Declaration of Candidacy for ASUCI Elections

Hello my fellow Anteaters! My name is Rochelle Duran and I would love to be your Transfer Senator in the Associated Students of UC Irvine for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. I’m currently a third year transfer student majoring in Public Health Policy. I’m a former student-athlete, first-generation, and non-traditional college student. I’m currently a UCI College Corps Fellow and an Internal Organizing Staffer under the Office of the External Vice President in ASUCI. I was very involved in my previous community college as a Student Trustee in the Riverside Community College District advocating for students’ needs at the local, state, and federal level. I choose to be in leadership roles because I want to make a difference and to bring a sense of community. I believe in accountability for all and true equity. I’m a tenacious leader and will not take no for an answer when it comes to students’ best interests at heart. Our voices need to be heard and I will advocate for empowerment of all students. Each student must be recognized as a real person, with a real face/identity and individual struggles and needs. 

As a transfer student myself, I want to advocate for the transfer student population and have a seat at the table. I want to break down barriers and normalize the transfer stigma and imposter syndrome transfer students face recognizing that we do belong here. We deserve the same opportunities as an incoming freshmen student and I want to be the voice to express the needs of transfer students to have a good college experience and graduate on time and be a proud UCI alumnus. I have a proven track record of leadership and have a servant’s heart. I’m passionate and genuine about everything I do which is rare nowadays. 

I noticed some nepotism in our Associated Students and I would like to break that cycle with a fresh, new perspective. I believe representation matters. I will continue to advocate for our underrepresented communities and be the voice for students who feel like they don’t have a voice on our campus. I want a partnership with ASUCI, the Student Success Initiatives (SSI) and the Transfer Student Center. I believe it’s important to collaborate with SSI programs and give students a chance to know and have access to every resource available at UCI to set them up for success. Being a part of the TRIO and Transfer Buddy Program here has helped me transition from a community college to a UC and I want all transfer students to feel welcomed here without questioning if UCI is right for them. I would also like to bridge the gap between academic counseling, financial aid, and transfer pathways to give transfer students the best opportunity to graduate on time with less debt. I’m a seasoned leader who listens and I’m ready to be the voice for us transfer students if you’ll have me. Your voice matters and I look forward to hearing what you would like to see at UCI to better represent the transfer population.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Anteater,

Rochelle Duran

Special Interest International Senator

Diya Shah
Slate: RepresANTation for Anteaters

To all at UCI,

Today, I step forward with a sense of humility and resolve, eager to announce my candidacy for the role of International Senator. As a freshman majoring in Business Administration, I bring a unique perspective, deeply valuing the rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds that define our vibrant university.

My journey to UCI, as an international student, has been both exhilarating and challenging. It has offered me invaluable lessons and experiences, shaping me into who I am today. Leading as head girl in high school, I embraced the power of empathetic leadership, the importance of integrity, and the courage to stand up for justice. My internships in the banking and fashion industries strengthened my grasp of the corporate world and confirmed the belief that education has the ability to realize each person’s full potential.

But my story is more than just accomplishments. It’s about the late nights, the struggle of being far from home, and the moments of doubt that are part of our shared experience. These stories of resilience and determination inspire my commitment to you.

As your International Senator, I pledge to champion the needs and voices of our international students with dedication and zeal. I am committed to fostering an environment where dialogue, collaboration, and mutual respect for one another open the door to tackling problems and taking advantage of future chances. From advocating for enhanced support services to promoting global sustainability initiatives, I am prepared to work tirelessly for our collective well-being.

My vision is to bridge the divide between international and domestic students, creating a community where diversity is not just celebrated but seen as our collective strength. I understand the significance of having a say in the matters that affect us, and as your Senator, I promise to ensure our voices lead to impactful changes.

At the heart of my candidacy is a sincere wish to contribute positively to our community. I am driven by the belief in the transformative power of education, the value of empathy, and the potential of united efforts towards a brighter future.

I am honored by the possibility of serving as your International Senator. I seek your support and trust on this journey to create a more inclusive, just, and vibrant UCI. Together, let’s work towards a community where every voice matters, every perspective is respected, and everyone has the chance to flourish.


Warmest regards,

Diya Shah

Alfred Qi’Jia Zhou

Hearing you. Reaching you. Serving you.

Way too often, us international students don’t know whom to complain to when we face injustice, who to represent us to talk to administrators, or whom to ask for help when experiencing difficulties. Living and studying by yourself in a foreign country is tough, I get it.

As a Chinese student who has observed the lack of reach from departments and organizations, I aspire to establish a communication network that hears, reaches, and serves every single one of us, so we don’t run into barriers.

If elected, I will prioritize the following key initiatives:

  1. Establishing unique communication networks for international students with different cultural backgrounds. Each group has its own codes of communication, and utilizing such is key to the reach from ASUCI to international students. For instance, creating lines of consultation on WeChat for those of Chinese background or WhatsApp for the general crowd.
  2. Providing timely access to mentors/programs for newly arrived students. I will reduce the time you spend navigating through resources to find the best fit. Adapting to an American lifestyle quickly is difficult, especially considering the academic pressure simultaneously. Providing timely access to mentors/programs for newly arrived international students is crucial to academic and social success in the US.
  3. Addressing immigration/visa concerns. I will bring law professionals for info sessions/consultation on immigration-related issues such as choosing an academic path to achieve successful immigration. Tired of looking through complicated forms and confusing regulations? Not getting enough advising from the International Center? It’s time to look for an alternative solution! I am deeply committed to establishing the initiatives above so that you are heard, you are reached, and you are served. I have struggled as an international student, and I know you might be, too. I will represent your interests to work collaboratively with the administration, faculty, and of course, my fellow international students, so that you don’t have to struggle.

Vote for Alfred if you want to feel valued!

I thank you in advance for your kind support!


“Alfred” Qi’Jia Zhou”

Candidate Endorsements

Candidate Organization Org Endorser

Arnav Nigam

Hack at UCI Ruslan Manoharan

Frank Granda

Armenian Students Association (ASA) Aram Alajajian

Frank Granda

College Democrats at UCI Christina Kollias

Jun Jang

Hansori Beatrice Lee

Jun Jang

College Democrats at UCI Christina Kollias

Kylie Jones

Planned Parenthood Generation Action Belle Flanegan

Kylie Jones

Wushu Club at UCI Katelyn Tseng

Nelson Guardado

Students Advocating For Immigrant Rights and Equity (SAFIRE) Fatima Mendoza Choto

Nelson Guardado

Urban Studies Student Association (USSA) Dylan Ando

Natalie Ringdahl

Mock Trial Josiah Jones

Nancy Ximena Reynoso

Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity Claire Lin

Pragya Jhunjhunwala

Hack at UCI Ruslan Manoharan

Pragya Jhunjhunwala

Women’s Rowing Club at UCI Brynn Bedal

Rochelle Duran

Women’s Lacrosse Club at UCI Skylar Mogab

Rochelle Duran

Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta) Haley Kniest

Seif Eltarshoubi

Society of Arab Students (SAS) Najwa Ellahib

Seif Eltarshoubi

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Najwa Ellahib

Seif Eltarshoubi

Egyptian Student Association at UCI Moustafa Ahmed Ghanem

Shruti Gundu

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Kimveng Tea

Suhina Chand

Circle K International at UCI Ethan Hong

Suhina Chand

College Democrats at UCI Christina Kollias

Slate Endorsements

Slate Organization Org Endorser

RepresANTation for Anteaters

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Kimveng Tea

RepresANTation for Anteaters

Wushu Club at UCI Katelyn Tseng

RepresANTation for Anteaters

Select An Organization Skylar Mogab

Anteater Equity Collective

UMOJA Community Org at UCI Tatyana Hazelwood

Anteater Equity Collective

East African Student Association Sarah Gebremedhin

Anteater Equity Collective

Black Student Union Rashaad Hampton

Anteater Equity Collective

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Quincy Barnes

Anteater Equity Collective

Students Advocating For Immigrant Rights and Equity (SAFIRE) Fatima Mendoza Choto

Anteater Equity Collective

College Democrats at UCI Christina Kollias

Anteater Equity Collective

Black Psychology Student Association Princess Osonwa

Anteater Equity Collective

American Indian Student Association (AISA) Arlene Dominguez

Anteater Equity Collective

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan – MEChA Brianna Duran

Candidate Financial Statements

Name Total View
Alfred Qi’Jia Zhou 7.00 View
Alondra Arevalo 0.00 View
Arnav Nigam 0.00 View
Athena Stepanian 0.00 View
Chidera Okoroama 0.00 View
Claire Moylan 0.00 View
Darius Simms 0.00 View
Dee Statum 0.00 View
Dev Goel 0.00 View
Diya Shah 0.00 View
Elijah Waller 0.00 View
Emily Sosa-Hernández 0.00 View
Ethan Martinez 0.00 View
Ethan Reynaga 0.00 View
Frank Granda 0.00 View
Genysia Brown 0.00 View
Harshvardhan Rathore 0.00 View
Jacob Bustamante 0.00 View
Jared Castaneda 0.00 View
Joshua Schuld 0.00 View
Jun Jang 0.00 View
Karley Dinh 0.00 View
Karsten Schubert 0.00 View
Kylie Jones 0.00 View
Makena Castillo 0.00 View
Matt Lee 0.00 View
Mia Roddy 0.00 View
Mireille Tempa Ngaha 0.00 View
Nancy Ximena Reynoso 0.00 View
Nasser Ssenyange 0.00 View
Natalie Ringdahl 0.00 View
Nelson Guardado 0.00 View
Nicole Lang 0.00 View
Olivia Liuson 0.00 View
Pragya Jhunjhunwala 0.00 View
Priya Khetarpal 0.00 View
Rachel Hillman 0.00 View
Rochelle Duran 0.00 View
Seif Eltarshoubi 0.00 View
Shreyas Vasist Chandramouli 0.00 View
Shruti Gundu 0.00 View
Siddharth Karthikeya 0.00 View
Sophia Hobby 0.00 View
Sudaay Chaloo 0.00 View
Suhina Chand 0.00 View
Temitayo Akande 0.00 View
Trish Ly 0.00 View
Vicente Zamora 0.00 View
Victory Ogbonnaya 0.00 View
Yasmeen El Jack 0.00 View
Zeid Hussain 0.00 View

Slate Financial Statements

Slate Total View
Anteater Equity Collective 0.00 View
RepresANTation for Anteaters 50.00 View
Anteater Egalitarians 0.00 View